…then they can’t be spending it taxating us and tyrannising us.
David Davis
Bugger them. F*** them. Let them be on the bloody thing the whole time: they cannot then and therefore be doing stuff to us, only to their supposed “friends”.
FORCE THEM to spend 100% of their time and effort while “at work”, on it.
I am beginning to see the point of “face” “book”. It is a harmless and debilitating out-door relief-system for bureaucrats, who are concerned that they have no “friends”. Let the bastards use it how they bloody well like. It will keep them off our effing backs.
I have 19 friends, my son has 79 (I sort of think he does actually know most of them) and some of my students have “1,891 friends” (this is non-credible. Nobody would even send Christmas Cards to that number of people, let alone be their friend, unless they wozz a bank.)
I can’t work out what the blasted site is actually for, apart from my thoughts about harmlessly employing bureaucrats without hurting people outside.
But, Ian Geldard and Jackie Danicki seem to broadcast their innermost thoughts to the world at hourly intervals. I must be a classical liberal saddo then.
I might resign from it, but I await good advice from the commentariat.
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