Friday, January 29, 2010

The "Give me" generation!

The “Give me” generation.  An “Instant gratification” society.  These are only a couple of the phrases used by our older generation to describe our current generation and their view on our nation.  

“Most people want to think they are entiteled to something, when they’re not”  says a friend of mine as he and I talk about the U.S. and its current  state.  Even though there is a significant difference in our age I find myself agreeing with him.  To many people today believe that the government is here to give hand-outs and do the jobs we don’t want too.  But they are not!  The government is here to offer us defense, liberty and the ability to pursue happiness.

Twenty years ago if you wanted to own your own home or go to college you worked your ass off and earned the money to do it yourself.  Now you send paperwork to the government and they pay it for you.  I’m not talking about the men and woman who served in the military.  Those people actually gave something to our country to earn the right for our tax dollars to pay for their college.  But these kids who come out of highschool, get government grants for a degree in Art ,than go work for a government  funded job give absolutely nothing back.  I know  a lot of people who will disagree with this point because they think art is important.  I’m not saying it’s not but for a country that has 1.85 million people living on the streets and another 35 million people living below the “poor” line,  what exactly is art doing to improve on this?

 We need to stop depending on the government to take care of every little problem that we encounter and stand on our own feet.  This will help to cut the governments footprint in society and allow more privately owned  companies to take over avenues of business thus employing more people who don’t get paid with their own tax dollars.


Conspiracy, Census and the Case for Secession

by Gary D. Barnett

After reading my title, I suppose many will automatically think I am some sort of anarchist or revolutionary. If so, then thank you for the complement. If only I could be thought of in such an honorable way?

The very intrusive and invasive U.S. Census can be used to make a case for secession. Not that a case for secession can’t be made using a myriad of other criteria, but due to the original reasoning for the census, I think one can show that any country with more than 300,000,000 people cannot possibly remain a free republic. It simply is not possible. Our nation was intended to be several states, with a federal system to oversee the protection of individual rights. It has become a single nation-state with all control coming from a central-planning leviathan. This is an untenable situation and was bound to lead to tyranny. This in and of itself is reason enough to pursue secession.

First, let’s look at the Census issue. Stated in Article 1, Section 2 of our constitution:

Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years; and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years of the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one Representative.

There are a couple of things that stand out in this passage. First, an actual enumeration (simple head count) shall be made every ten years. This count of heads is all that is authorized by the constitution, and is to be done so that a proper ratio between the representatives and the people can be determined, and to also determine the proper apportionment of direct taxes among the several states. As an aside, the number of representatives has been fixed at 435 since 1911. The total population of the United States in 1911 was 93,863,000. Obviously, our population has increased almost three and one half times since then without any change in representation. Secondly, the writers of our current constitution said that there should not be more than one representative for every thirty thousand people, and going forward from the original 65 members, the rule of one representative for every thirty thousand people was generally accepted. As I will discuss later, there were no fixed upper limits on the number of representatives, but the Founders did caution against too large a number; but why?

The ratio of representatives to people was not exact as heavily populated centers would have fewer representatives per capita, but the end result was to be full and fair representation of all the people. Since the number of representatives has been fixed for almost one hundred years, what is the point of the current Census? Since no additional representation is even being discussed and no talk or legislation exists to change this number, is the Census now valid and/or constitutional? I do realize that specific district changes do occur and that apportionment of some taxes (actually very little) is still constitutional, but I think a very good argument could be made that not only is the modern Census completely unnecessary, but that it might now be unconstitutional as well due to the fact that the primary reasoning for this count has been thrown aside by the federal government. If no count will result in a change of representation, then the costly and invasive U.S. Census should be stopped immediately. Obviously, the modern census count is used not to determine representation as originally intended anyway, but is used as a tool to determine the improper and unconstitutional amounts of wealth redistribution, and to gain personal and private information about the citizenry. The coming census also includes a precise mapping by GPS of every address. What in the world does locking in my home position in a government database have to do with representation or apportionment? This information, by the way, is none of their damn business! This in and of itself is reason enough to scrap this invasion of privacy because the entire census count is nothing more than a farce to help expand government interference into private matters.

What does all this mean? A breakdown of the numbers is useful here. Initially, there was one representative for every 30,000 people. In 1911 when the representative number became fixed at 435, there was one representative for every 216,000 people. Currently, there is one representative for approximately every 760,000 Americans. If we were to go back to the original plan, we would now have to have about 11,000 representatives. Is anybody up to 11,000 campaigns and elections every two years? Before you answer, think about the unseen consequences.

Karen DeCoster pointed out to me that having thousands of representatives, as ridiculous as it sounds, might prove to be beneficial. Can you imagine the bottleneck if 11,000 politicians were trying to agree on a particular piece of legislation? Nothing would ever get done, rendering the political process mute. This might not be a bad idea after all, as gridlock is a desired end. Gridlock stifles political aggression and is certainly a friend of freedom.

Times have certainly changed over the past 200 years or so. James Madison once thought that the number of representatives, as long as not too small or too large, was not a big issue. He thought this because he had faith in the American people; in that they would not continue to vote for those who would advance tyranny, and considering the times, he was most likely correct in his assumption. What in the world would Madison think if he were alive today? His trust in the American people would be shaken beyond repair. How could anyone today believe that our liberty is safe in the hands of the imbecilic and unenlightened American voter?

His foreknowledge was evident when he said:

What change of circumstance, time, and a fuller population of our country may produce, requires a prophetic spirit to declare, which makes no part of my pretensions.

Judging from his words, he understood that times would bring change and that larger and larger populations would cause problems in representation. Given the times of our Founders, one representative for every 30,000 people seemed proper, but today, one for every 760,000 is absurd. Let’s face it; this country has become too large for freedom to survive under its present form of government. Instead of freedom, we now have socialism, fascism and tyranny. So what can be done about it? I think there is only one logical answer: Secession!

Secession should not be feared but embraced. Our country was borne by secession and in my opinion can only be saved by secession. Secession in my mind is an inherent, God-given right. If one is bound by or to the state by force, freedom has no validity and cannot exist. Secession is the virtual unbinding of the chains of tyranny. It is the emancipation if you will, from the servitude of the state and awakens the spirit of liberty. What better solution is there when extreme conditions exist?

Many will balk at the idea of secession but there is no need. Our country would not be torn apart, but restored, by separating ourselves from a tyrannical government. Secession is not a breakup of the country because the country will remain intact. The spirit of America would not be lost but regained. The oppressive power of the federal government would be curtailed, and in many cases eliminated. Just think of the benefits if the federal government’s power was eradicated. Massive taxation and inflation would all but disappear. Unjust and unholy foreign aggression would not be possible. Spying, wiretapping and unwarranted searches would be a thing of the past. The growing police state and standing armies could not be funded at current levels and would have to be pared back. U.S. military bases in other countries would have to be closed and all military personnel could come home where they belong. The insane war on drugs and its accompanying prison-state apparatus would shut down. With these changes, torture would no longer be the rule of the day, and civil and just law could return. In other words, a return to freedom would be evident and real prosperity would once again be available for all to seek. Does this sound euphoric? Of course it does, because freedom and free markets are euphoric in a real way, unlike the so-called socialistic euphoria based on theft and oppression.

This is serious business! It is important, it is imperative, and time is of the essence! Any secession from this tyrannical government, whether by states, portions of states, or regions, will require gargantuan efforts by individuals. This government will never be receptive of any plan to limit its power, and secession is a virtual elimination and negation of centralized government. No break from this behemoth can or will be achieved through government action or government process. That would be an exercise in futility and would fuel even more oppression. It will require that those involved, whether individuals, groups of individuals or entire states, not obey any unconstitutional or unjust federal law. As should be evident, this will be no easy task, but the rewards of victorious secession are freedom, liberty and prosperity.

June 8, 2009

Gary D. Barnett is president of Barnett Financial Services, Inc., in Lewistown, Montana. He is a regular contributing writer at


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Glenn Beck Compares and Contrasts--Progressive Radical Socialism--Under Chavez and Obama--Little Difference

Glenn Beck Show – January 26, 2010 – Pt 1 of 8

Glenn Beck Show – January 26, 2010 – Pt 2 of 8

Glenn Beck Show – January 26, 2010 – Pt 3 of 8

Glenn Beck Show – January 26, 2010 – Pt 4 of 8

Glenn Beck Show – January 26, 2010 – Pt 5 of 8

Glenn Beck Show – January 26, 2010 – Pt 6 of 8

Glenn Beck Show – January 26, 2010 – Pt 7 of 8


Glenn Beck Show – January 26, 2010 – Pt 8 of 8


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Obama In Latin America: Hugs Dictator Hugo Chavez!

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Liberty needs more storytellers

Says Michael Huemer over at Cato Unbound.


Atlas Shrugged outsells Human Action by a wide margin. As of this writing, the Amazon sales ranks are 101 and 16,331, respectively.[2] (Admittedly a limited measure, but still interesting.) But Atlas also outsells Rand’s own non-fiction books, by similarly wide margins. The Virtue of Selfishness trails at 11,993, with Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology all the way down at 120,117.[3] If the greater market success of Rand as compared with von Mises were due to Rand’s broader philosophy, wouldn’t we see this reflected in sales of Rand’s non-fiction works, in which she explicitly develops that philosophy?

The data fit another hypothesis: that the novel is a far more accessible and popular vehicle for communicating ideas than the monograph. The lesson for defenders of freedom seems clear. We need more novelists, screenwriters, and other artists.

I agree.


The rule of law has been lost (Paul Craig Roberts)


“In contrast, insouciant Americans are content for their government to behave illegally. A majority supports torture despite its illegality, and a McClatchy-Ipsos poll found that 51 percent of Americans agree that “it is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism.”

As our Founding Fathers warned, fools who give up liberty for security will have neither.“

We have met the enemy and it is us.

The terrorists have already won.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thought for Tues, 1/19/10 - Don't tell me it's raining

I missed a day, due to being in Oklahoma, getting my MIL’s house ready to list on the market for sale. In the real estate downturn that is not an easy task. We’ve been painting and ‘staging’ rooms and doing everything we can to ‘stack the deck’ in our favor. That being said, as I sit here in my motel room, having just read the 19th edition of USA Today, a paper that I normally don’t read, I’m prompted to put down my thoughts for today.
On the front page is an article entitled ‘Opinions about Obama’. It basically divides those polled (2,014 adults, by phone, on Jan 8th and 9th) into 5 groups. With group 1 being the most pro-Obama and group 5 being the most anti-Obama. I won’t go into details, as it would detract from the point. Which is, even the most pro-Obama group gave Obama only a 71% approval rating. 9 out of 10 of them believe the economy has stabilized and will fully recover within 2 years. They think Obama has been thoughtful and intelligent about the current issues, which they see as complicated.
The last group says Obama is a miserable failure. They give him an approval rating of only 21%. Only 6% see the economy restarting within 2 years. Most see Obama as ‘not sharing their values’.
All groups were nearly the same in men vs women, age, and economic position.
The thing is, they didn’t call me. What’s up with that? I’m 60 years old and a registered voter, and I have never been called for a poll of any kind. ? ?
So, now, here’s my poll results.
I am a conservative, Christian, white, worked all my life up to retirement, college educated, disabled veteran. I did not vote for Obama. I voted for McCain. Because there was no other choice. Not that I didn’t like McCain, I just was hoping for something better. Didn’t happen. I did NOT vote for Obama because he was young, or because he was black. I did NOT vote for him because he had no leadership experience. I would NOT have voted for McCain simply because he was a veteran. I felt he had more leadership experience than Obama; however had I another qualified choice, I would likely have voted for that person. If Dr. Alan Keyes had been on the ticket I would have voted for him. For those of you who are not familiar with him, he is black.
Now to the main point. Obama does not have the grit to stand up to the opposition, from wherever it comes. He has failed on too many counts to identify with the masses. He went to a celebration for MLK, but did not attend a traditional Christian event. He bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. Our leader must bow to no one. He has refused on more than one occasion to put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. And what is that new age flag symbol thing he has? Was there a problem with the stars and stripes?
Anyway, now there is a fight in Massachusetts over a Senate seat that they say may determine the fate of health care. Think about that for just a second. If one Democrat seat will have that effect, then no one in their right mind can say it’s a bi-partisan effort. Obama said, as well as Pelosi, that this administration, not to mention this particular health care debate, would be ‘transparent’. Huh? I don’t think so. How is not allowing even C-Span, not to mention Republicans, to be involved and/or present during the so called debates transparent? I say it is a LIE. And I’m not the only one saying that. Some big shot reporters are saying the same thing.
I don’t wish for the health care ISSUE to fail. I think we DO need something done. What I do NOT think is that the majority who have health care need to suffer for the minority who do not. I do NOT think that I should subsidize people who will NOT try to take care of themselves. Even Jesus said, the poor will always be with us (paraphrased). Helping the widows and orphans is one thing. Giving handouts to lazy, unmotivated people is quite another. AND, trying to shove this down my throat, behind closed doors, and pissing on my boot and telling me it’s raining, is something else again.
In November, ANYONE who is an incumbent, will not get my vote. I think you should seriously consider the same thing. Think about it. Why would someone, in their right mind, spend millions of dollars to keep a job that pays a hundred thousand or so. I wouldn’t. Would you? I didn’t think so. Point made.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.: Remembering The Dream

As I sit here this wonderfully brisk Monday morning, I am reflecting on a dream, a dream of liberty and freedom. I’m seeing a world where all of mankind is free from tyranny and oppression. I’m seeing a world where hate is considered a wasted effort, and has been replaced with joy and kindness. I see a world where all men are able to reach their fullest potential, where they are free to reach their highest goals.

I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor’s lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with a new meaning, “My country, ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim’s pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring.”

And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!

Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!

Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California!

But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!

Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!

Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”

That speech, those glorious words, were spoken by Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. in Washington, D.C. on August 28, 1963.

As we reflect on the words of one of the great spiritual and moral leaders our nation has ever known, many emotions overcome us. Dr King speaks about the basics of humanity, the desires of all men to be free, to exercise the natural rights they are given by their creator.

In Dr King’s world, the color of a man’s skin would have no bearing on how he fits into society. In Dr King’s world, it is the content of a man’s character that determines his station in life. It is the content of a man’s character says it all.

It is a glorious dream.

But it is still just a dream.

In the world we live in today, 47 years after Dr King gave what is one of the most important speeches in the history of this great nation, there are still men who are not free. Tyranny and oppression only grows with each passing day and certain factions have used the color of a man’s skin to control all. To intimidate those who would rather speak of character, of honor, and of righteousness.

Sadly, when the world lost Dr King to the assassin’s bullet, we lost one of our true leaders. A man who understood how civil society should work, how it must work, to survive and to flourish.

We have seen the very oppressors that Dr King sought to defeat co-opt his movement and claim his banner as their own. These oppressors have used deceit and trickery to not only keep those who were down in their place, but to add to their ranks.

We have seen a great evil take hold of this nation. We now have those who seek to divide us, to pit the races and the sexes against one another, in the name of Dr King, and others, in order to gain power and control.

These men of low character know that a nation divided is a nation conquered. As long as they can foment discontent, and work to prevent racial harmony, they will always remain in power.

Much better that we fight each other than to rise up as one against this great evil.

As I reflect on Dr King’s words, his dreams, I am moved to tears as I see a world that could have been. A world of great prosperity and happiness for all who aspire to it. A world where each and every man, woman, and child knows that they have no roadblocks to reaching their full potential.

I see a world where every man woman and child has the opportunity to shine.

This is a world where, instead of worrying about equal results, an impossible goal, we make sure there is equal opportunity. In this world we understand that we cannot guarantee outcome, equal results, but we can guarantee that every man, woman, and child starts in the same place, and has no artificial barriers placed in front of them.

In this world we understand that we cannot re-distribute talent, we cannot re-distribute efforts or results. And me most assuredly MUST not re-distribute wealth, as this is an idea that only shares equal misery, not equal success.

We have a government led by a political party that bases it’s entire being on dividing this nation, on making sure that we fight each other, rather than this government. We have a government that uses the color of their leader’s skin to intimidate, to harass, and yes, to keep divided those who would, under normal circumstances, eagerly join together, in the common cause of liberty and freedom. Men and women who would eagerly unite to defeat the oppressor.

Liberty and freedom are the innate desires of all mankind. We are given these rights of liberty and freedom by the Almighty God in the heavens. They belong to no man, no government, and no man, or no government has the authority to take those rights away.

As we reflect on the man, the leader, it is imperative that we take up Dr King’s cause, the cause that is righteous. It is imperative that we look past the race baiters and the race hustlers. We must look past those who seek to divide us and find ways for us all join together in pursuit of the common cause of true liberty and freedom for all.

I truly believe if we can unite and defeat this great evil that grips our nation, to permanently remove those who sow the seeds of artificial discontent for their own gains, America can grow and prosper, and the potential for all mankind will know no bounds. There will be no limits to a man’s successes, except those he places on himself.

We must unite and we must break the chains of oppression. But more importantly, we must then work to make sure that Dr King’s dream comes true. We must create a world where the only judge of a man is his character, where character is a man’s supreme calling card, where character is all that matters.

As we reflect on the life of Dr. King, let us pledge to unite and create this world.

In closing, I’d like to include the thoughts and prayers expressed by another great leader, a leader for our time, as she reflects on the life of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

Celebrating the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today, America honors the memory of one of our greatest – Martin Luther King, Jr. He used his gifts and talents in selfless, mighty ways to mobilize efforts against racial discrimination and is deserving of our honor.

Please take a moment to tell your children about this great man. He fought for liberty and equality because he knew they were God-given and he knew that no government should be empowered to thwart our freedom. King summarized his mission when stating that no one should be judged based on skin color, but by the content of one’s character.

Seeming to have a foreboding notion of how quickly life passes, he did not waste time on pettiness. He believed that “the quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important.”

May our children follow in the footsteps of giants like King, who sincerely respected equality.

- Sarah Palin

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – MLK



Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Dream, The Reality

By Alan Caruba

My life straddles the days of Jim Crow segregationist laws and the years following the Civil Rights movement, so I can recall buses in which Blacks did, indeed, sit in the back, separate drinking fountains and separate just about everything else. I spent enough time in the South to see racism at work and I watched enough of the civil rights marches to see it crumble from its own lack of moral justification.

That, perhaps, is why Dr. Martin Luther King is honored now with a federal holiday. That is why those of us who heard him speak recall, if not the words, at least the great moral passion he brought to his audience; a passion for justice and equality that went beyond mere legalisms.

I heard Dr. King speak at Drew University in Chatham, New Jersey in those heady days and then I went backstage and met him. It was a brief encounter and to this day I find it astonishing that I shook hands with someone who has become an American icon; someone whose name and cause is forever embedded in the fabric of our history.

There is no doubt that Barack Obama would not be President today if Dr. King had not put his life on the line in the 1960s.

Dr. King was an inspired orator. I doubt that Dr. King had a speechwriter and I doubt he needed one. This was a man that one felt had been touched by God, called to a greater duty, greater service, and the ultimate sacrifice.
That may sound hokey to those who discount the role of serious, committed belief in a greater power, but it was unmistakable in terms of the way this minister and son of a minister from Montgomery, Alabama led a boycott of the city’s bus system in protest of its demeaning “back of the bus” rules, and then expanded the cause to the nation.

It was the boycott that got the whole civil rights movement going. It was followed by “sit-ins” at restaurants, marches, and all manner of demonstrations, culminating with the August 28, 1963, Washington, D.C. event in which Dr. King delivered his famed “I Have a Dream” speech. I suspect no one else could have so stirred a nation as he did and surely none of the other speeches given that day are remembered.

It was a call to what Abraham Lincoln deemed the “better angels of their nature”; our capacity to live up to America’s best values.

The civil rights movement also included some very ugly riots in the ghettos of some American cities and, nearly fifty years passed Dr. King’s speech, too many blacks continue to lag behind the rest of society.

The civil rights spokesmen that followed in Dr. King’s footsteps have largely been a disappointment, race hustlers, and others who rode the movement to positions of political power.

This is to be expected because there was only one Martin Luther King, Jr., martyred for his steady faith in the goodness that could be evoked in the hearts of both black and white citizens.

It is important to remember that Dr. King was not calling for special privileges and dispensations based on race. He was demanding equality before the law and an end to the codified racism of exclusionary laws.

America is a better place because Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lived.

Alan Caruba writes a daily post at Warning Signs. A business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center.

Read more thought provoking articles at Warning Signs


Friday, January 15, 2010

Economics has always been nothing more than politics in disguise

“The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise … economics is a form of brain damage.”
~Hazel Henderson

“I’m not trying to make it sound that all economists are intellectual mercenaries. It’s much more complex than that. It has something to do with the sociology of knowledge and with what happens to young minds when they are inducted into a certain kind of educational style. When they come out of the other end of this process they have a certain style of thinking which I refer to as ‘brain damage’ – not endearing me at all to my economist friends. Of course, there are very good, honest economists who don’t do this. I have found that all down through the history of economic thought there have been honest economists who began to explore this body of information and recoiled aghast, saying righteously, “Well, this is an intellectual scandal! This is not rigorous. This is a whole set of ‘deductions’ – a priori types of statements really – and the world doesn’t conform to this kind of economistic model.” And what I found is that every one of these economists who had honestly dished the dirt on this discipline throughout history had been summarily silenced in one way or another. They had not been given tenure, they had been run out of the club in one way or another and it still goes on today. You get critics from within the discipline like, for example, Kenneth Boulding who has always been critical of the entropic nature of modern production and the excessive exploitation rates and what he always calls “cowboy economics”. So, Boulding was run out of the club with, “Oh, well, he really is a philosopher, not an economist.” Or take John Kenneth Galbraith who was a very good critic of the current situation and wrote a lot of books about the ways in which the market didn’t really work, about monopoly power, stuff like that. They designated Galbraith, “Oh, he’s really a sociologist.” So, there’s this kind of game that goes on. Of course the only one they could never shut up was Karl Marx. He had a constituency.”


To read more by Helen Henderson see here

Also see:  Wiki ( and from Chelsea Green ( and from Henderson’s web site (


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Our Freedom in Christ and Love

Restrictions of the law are, under grace, fulfilled in one word – love. We are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Love will never hurt or defraud one’s neighbor.

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. For this, “You shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not covet;” and if there is any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Love works no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law (Romans 13:8-10).

For, brothers, you have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Galatians 5:13-14).

As members of Christ’s Body, we are neighbors.

… Speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another (Ephesians 4:25).

Love is the fulfilling of the law. This is why, to the pure, all things are pure, and there is nothing unclean of itself. This is why love is eternally bound to grace. Grace is the absence of law, and there is no need for a law where love is genuinely present … “and the greatest of these is love.”

Unto the pure all things are pure … (Titus 1:15).

I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself … (Romans 14:14).

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not (I Corinthians 10:23).

And now abides faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is love (I Corinthians 13:13).

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.
Bible Student’s Notebook
© 2007, 2010


Secession and State Governors: An Open Letter Encouraging Self-Interest

This article is a letter to the governors of the fifty states of the United States of America.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

You are members of one of the most elite groups of Americans that exists. You are State Governors. There are only fifty members in your “club”. Senators have twice as many members in their group, and they are just a Quisling deliberative body. There are 435 members of the House of Representatives, and they are held in lower esteem than used-car salesmen. You are the Chief Executive Officers of states whose Gross Domestic Products rival some of the largest nations on earth.

In the beginning of the Republic, Governors were the leaders of sovereign nations. But, over time, the sovereignty of each state was subsumed by Statism. Still, being a Governor is an historic elected position in American governance.

Governors know first-hand how tough it is to get elected to the positions they occupy. And the office of Governor comes with huge power and perquisites. Thousands of people work for you, and millions live under your leadership. Consequently you, being mostly normal human beings, have big egos. You deserve to have a big ego, since you’ve accomplished a very rare feat by getting elected Governor.

Statistically, more Governors have become the President of the United States than have Senators or Representatives. So, the nation considers your experience as the Chief Executive of a smaller entity kind of the “farm system” for the presidential league.

Only a handful of Governors will ever desire the American presidency. A smaller handful will actively seek it, and there is only one President at a time. And of late, American Presidents get two terms if they choose. So, timing is everything for a Governor seeking the Presidency. Often, the timing doesn’t work out.

Consequently, once you become Governor, there isn’t much of a market for your services in higher office, since you’re about as high as you’re ever going to get in “public service.”

But every one of you American Governors could contend to become President of a nation.

But not the United States. The un-United States.

You could lead your state in the process of seceding from the United States of America, and your state could become a new sovereign nation.

Doesn’t the thought of being the Head Honcho of a new nation appeal to you? Wouldn’t you like to be on par with the Presidents of France, China, India, Germany, Brazil or Russia? If you like publicity, think of the worldwide focus that would be on you and your state as it becomes a new nation. You’d be like a rock star. Your every move would be a news story. Every success would redound to your leadership. School children worldwide would know your name, like they know the names of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, Founders of the United States, and Sam Houston, leader of the Texas revolution and first President of the Republic of Texas.

You would preside over the creation of a brand new nation, and be credited with lifting millions of souls from under the tyranny of an oppressive, uncontrollable government. Plus, you would be directly involved in the dissolution of the United States. Nothing of such import has been accomplished since the breakup and dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1989.

There are a few caveats, however.

First caveat is your commitment. You’ll likely have to “put up or shut up” pretty early in the game, with no turning back. Once you hop on the back of the secession bull, you either ride the whole eight seconds and win, or fall off and get stomped by a pissed-off bull…to use rodeo parlance.

You’ll be leading a revolution. The Mobocracy Looter Minions in Washington DC will likely not invite you to their parties anymore. They may take a somewhat dim view of your revolutionary talk and revolutionary actions. They might be somewhat resistant to a Declaration of Independence or Ordinance of Secession with your signature on it. But, on the upside, it will be you that negotiates the terms of any treaties or diplomatic agreements with Washington. Sovereignty, like American Express card membership, has its privileges.

Most of your fellow Governors will not support you. They will only take their lips from the Washington nipple long enough to throw an insult or two your way. You’ll have to give up your key to the Governor’s Club washroom.

On the upside, your example of leadership may empower other more timid Governors to join you.

If you simply secede and try to replicate the government of the United States, your leadership and efforts will be destined to abject failure and worldwide ridicule. One of the reasons that the American Revolution of 1776 was successful is that it introduced the world to the Enlightenment ideals of governance, and gave them a new home outside Europe. So, you would have to embrace some very new/old and radical Enlightenment ideals for the structure of your new nation. An upside here is that you have the benefit of history that men like Thomas Paine and John Locke lacked.

But no guts, no glory.

For an example of what could be, let’s look at Texas. Governor Rick Perry has already spoken publicly about the possibility of Texas secession. But nothing has really been done since that statement in April 2009. I think “the Guv” has Presidential aspirations, but I could be wrong. If Governor Perry took the leadership position in the fight for Texas independence, he would be the presumptive favorite and lead horse in that race. However, he would have a very serious contender for the Presidency of a New Texas if Rep. Ron Paul joined the fray, since Paul has been talking the talk and walking the walk of liberty for decades. Putting these two men together as a team could be intimidating and fearsome.

But in your state, there probably is no other person with your name recognition that will challenge you for the new Presidency. And, if you are leading in the formation of the new government and the secession efforts, you will have the pedigree and record to thwart pretenders to your throne.

How do you lose? Where is the downside for you?

Zig Ziglar says “you can get anything in life you want if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want.” Nearly every person in your state wants individual liberty. Nearly every person in your state wants the crushing burdens of Washington taxation, future debt and regulation lifted from their shoulders. And, they share those desires with most other Americans who don’t live in your state.

Help them get it. It may be your last chance at greatness.

But if you can’t get next to the lofty ideals of secession, then think only of yourself and do the things that best promote your persona, reputation and place in the history of the world. Alexis de Tocqueville said that that persons who act to further the interests of others ultimately serve their own self-interest. If you help the populace get liberty, they’ll help you in return.

We have lots of ideas here at DumpDC to help you, Ladies and Gentlemen. Just click and read.

May God be with your choices, Governors.

Secession is the hope for humanity. Who will be first?

DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.

© Copyright 2010, Russell D. Longcore. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.


Monday, January 11, 2010

UK woman warned for brandishing kitchen knife at trespassers

These are both from ECM.

Self-defense and justified violence

Consider this story from the UK Telegraph.


Miss Klass, a model for Marks & Spencer and a former singer with the pop group Hear’Say, was in her kitchen in the early hours of Friday when she saw two teenagers behaving suspiciously in her garden.

The youths approached the kitchen window, before attempting to break into her garden shed, prompting Miss Klass to wave a kitchen knife to scare them away.

Miss Klass, 31, who was alone in her house in Potters Bar, Herts, with her two-year-old daughter, Ava, called the police. When they arrived at her house they informed her that she should not have used a knife to scare off the youths because carrying an “offensive weapon” – even in her own home – was illegal.

Jonathan Shalit, Miss Klass’s agent, said that had been “shaken and utterly terrified” by the incident and was stepping up security at the house she shares with her fiancĂ©, Graham Quinn, who was away on business at the time.

He said: “Myleene was aghast when she was told that the law did not allow her to defend herself in her own home. All she did was scream loudly and wave the knife to try and frighten them off.

This happens all the time in the feminized UK. They think that violence is never justified, and that criminals are actually the victims of social inequalities. And since criminals aren’t responsible, it’s wrong for home-owners to stop them from committing crimes. This is just another example of the secular left’s view that there is no objective right and wrong, and that morality is relative. It’s not wrong to steal, they say – what’s wrong is to think that you have a right to own your own private property. Permitting the theft of your property is like – sharing.

A previous post I wrote explains how weapon ownership by law-abiding citizens deters crime.

Liberty and personal responsibility

Consider this story from the UK Telegraph.


Heavy snow, low temperatures and a lack of gritting mean pavements throughout the country are too slippery to walk on safely. Hospitals have been struggling to cope with rising numbers of patients who have broken bones after falling on icy paths.

Yet the professional body that represents health and safety experts has issued a warning to businesses not to grit public paths – despite the fact that Britain is in the grip of its coldest winter for nearly half a century.

Under current legislation, householders and companies open themselves up to legal action if they try to clear a public pavement outside their property. If they leave the path in a treacherous condition, they cannot be sued.

It’s like people in the UK think that British citizens are all young children to be controlled, so that they won’t hurt themselves or anyone else. I wonder where that attitude comes from? It certainly wasn’t there 50 years ago. What changed?


Aaaaaaah.....that's so sweeeeet

Michael Winning

The Dark Lord is going to join an oil company….

What further prtoof do we all need, of the iniquitous connection at social levels, between Enemy-Classpersons and otherwise normal persons in things such as oil firms?

THere’s nothing wrong with being an oil co or working for it. Just that these outfits seem to play into the hands of people who’d demolish them, such as greens and peope who throw green stuff at people like Mandelson.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Thoughts on Pressure and Training at Liberty

One of the things I have been thinking about is: How much pressure is too much?  I have always thought that my horses could take the pressure I was giving them.  But how did I really know?  I first found out that I was using too much pressure about two months ago. 

I was working on teaching Jackson to sit down on some hay bales.  I was using a cordeo and trying my best to be very light.  At one point, I used a little more pressure than I had been using (though still pretty light) and Jackson stopped listening and trying.  I hadn’t been angry or using a lot of physical force, but Jackson showed me that it was too much. 

I had never experienced this before.  I had never seen Jackson just stop trying for me.  Or had I?  Had my horse shown me this before and I just missed it?  I have now concluded that this is the case.  I had always used more pressure, rather than less, and I missed the signals my horse was giving me.  Because I decided to not force him while teaching the sit, he was able to decide if he didn’t want to do something, therefore showing me something new.

As soon as I stopped “forcing” my horse to do things, my horse was then able to show me when I had overdone it.  I used to be obsessed with getting my horse to do what I asked, as soon as I asked it.  However, this leaves no room for what the horse feels.  Now I ask my horses to do things, and if they don’t do them right away, in most cases, I just let it go.  I might move onto something else or call it quits.

I just had another example of moving too fast with too much pressure, even though the pressure wasn’t physical.  Sadeem had recently learned to rear on cue.  He learned this by watching Jackson and I do it.  I would cue Sadeem by holding the whip up and telling him “up.”  At first he really seemed to enjoy it.  Then a couple of days later, he wouldn’t even try to rear for me.  If I kept asking, he would look away and if I still asked for the rear, he would walk away.  He almost always came back right away.

This made me stop and think.  I hadn’t physically touched him, but he made it very clear that whatever I was doing was too much.  I was a bit of a slow learner in this instance, so every time he came back to me, I would ask again.  (Duh!)  And you know what?  Every time he would walk away.

Then the other day when I was working with Sadeem, I asked him for the rear and he immediately looked away.  I thought, “Aha!”  I finally realized that part of the problem was that he wasn’t confident enough to face me and look at me.  I decided to drop working on the rear and get him happy with facing me.

So I did what any trick trainer would do.  I asked him to give me a kiss.  I had never worked on this trick before, but I thought I would give it a try.  He quickly learned that if he touched my face with his nose, he would get a treat and some petting.  I asked for the rear again and he immediately tried to rear!  He became confident and I remembered to use less pressure.

I would never have seen how uncomfortable Sadeem was if he hadn’t been at liberty and able to turn and walk away.  I would never have noticed that I was using too much pressure with Jackson, if I hadn’t given him the opportunity to not listen. 

By allowing my horses to make some decision on there own, I am better able to learn from them.  I am less anxious if don’t perform right away or do exactly what I want.  I realize that my horses can show me how much pressure is too much, but only if they have the freedom to show me.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Contemplation of Liberty

Can we be free without God?

I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. The history of western Europe from the 16th to the 20th century is supposedly the story of increasingly secular and increasingly free societies.

With the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Empire, the world was supposed to be ushering in an era of freedom unknown to any previous generation.

But has it and is it?

I’m not convinced, neither about the current spread of freedom under the WHO and the UN, those bastions of democratically elected officials, nor about the myth of the spread of freedom over the past 500 years.

I believe that our United States are nowhere near as free as we have allowed ourselves to pretent, and the reason we think we are still “the leaders of the free world” is because we have tried valiantly to redefine freedom.

I also believe that the remaining freedoms we have are all tenuous for one simple reason: we have reached the point where are rights are distributed at the will of the state.

For this reason, and many others, the summer 2010 CiRCE conference will be A Contemplation of liberty.

Confirmed speakers so far include Leigh Bortins, Andrew Pudewa, Dr. James Taylor, Leah Lutz, and myself. More will be announced over the coming weeks.

The dates are July 15-17 and the location is Dallas, TX, details still being worked.

Please note that we have moved the conference forward two weeks.

Now get this (and I’d recommend you pass the news on to those you know and love). Until January 31, we are offering a super early registration fee of only $200/person. If you are a school and you know you want to send, say, five people but don’t even know who they might be yet, you can just tell us the number and we’ll register you for five.

This is a huge savings, over 33% if my calculator is working, as the regular rate is $269.

At last year’s conference we argued that the world has lost its morings because of the attack on the idea of nature. Now we are going to explore how one of prices of that attack has been and continues to be our freedom.

The problem starts in school. Will you join us?

To learn more, visit our website for occasional updates or call us at 704 236-3964.

If you know you want to come and want huge early bird savings, please visit our webstore at this link and secure your seats early.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Bette Midler--Videos

“If I could be granted a wish, I’d shine in your eye like a jewel.”

The Rose – Bette Midler

Bette Midler – The Glory of Love

Bette Midler In This Life

Bette Midler – Stay With Me

Bette Midler – From A Distance

Bette Midler – I Think It’s Going To Rain Today

The Wind Beneath My Wings: Bette Midler Live in 2008

Bette Midler – Stay With Me

Bette Midler “Is That All There Is?”

BETTE MIDLER – Friends (UJA Theleton 1973)

BETTE MIDLER – Empty Bed Blues (Live at the Roxy LA 1977)

Accentuate the Positive – Bette Midler & Bing Crosby

Bette Midler – Come Back Jimmy Dean

BETTE MIDLER – Skylark (1985)

The Rose – Bette Midler & Wynonna Judd



Bette Midler – Aids Benefit


Bette Midler – Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy

Bette Midler – Balls!

Bette Midler – You Don’t Own Me

Bette Midler – I Look Good

Bette Midler-Sophie Tucker

Soph in Vegas

The Bette Midler Show – In The Mood

Bette Midler – Beast Of Burden

Bette Midler – Wind Beneath My Wings – Yankee Stadium 2001

Beaches – Wind Beneath My Wings

“I’m working my way toward divinity.”

Background Articles and Videos Bette Midler tease interview, Sophie-jokes & “In The Mood”

Bette Midler on Ellen Degeneres 11/24/08


Bette Midler

BETTE MIDLER – Interview on “Regis Kelly”

“…Bette Midler (born December 1, 1945) is an American singer, actress and comedienne, also known (by her informal stage name) as The Divine Miss M. During her more than forty year career, she has been nominated for two Academy Awards; and won four Grammy Awards, four Golden Globes, three Emmy Awards, and a special Tony Award. …”

“…Midler has won four Grammy Awards including the 1973 Best New Artist and the prestigious Record of the Year in 1989 for her Platinum-certified #1 Pop hit “Wind Beneath My Wings”, the theme from Beaches. Her rendition of the 1990 “From a Distance” also earned a Grammy award (for the song’s composer Julie Gold), and became her longest running #1 – six consecutive weeks – on Billboard’s Adult Contemporary chart. It also reached #2 Pop and was another Platinum-selling single for Bette. When the American Film Institute announced “The 100 Years of the Greatest Songs” on June 22, 2004, two of Midler’s recordings were selected by the board: “Wind Beneath My Wings” (#44) and “The Rose” (#83). However, after years of erratic record sales, Midler was dropped from the Warner Brothers label in 2001, after nearly three decades with Warner Music Group.

After a long-standing feud with Barry Manilow, the two joined forces for the first time in twenty years in 2003 to record “Bette Midler Sings the Rosemary Clooney Songbook.” Of the project, Manilow said he’d had a dream that he was recording with Midler again, so he called her up with the idea and she agreed that it was due time to work together again. Now signed to Columbia Records, the album was an instant success, being certified gold in only a few weeks. One of the Clooney Songbook selections, “This Ole House,” became Midler’s first Christian radio single shipped by Rick Hendrix and his positive music movement. The album was nominated for a Grammy the following year. worldwide [10].

In 2003–2004, Midler toured the U.S. in her new show, Kiss My Brass, to sell-out audiences. In early 2005, an Australian tour, Kiss My Brass Down Under, was equally successful. Midler joined forces again with Manilow for another tribute album, Bette Midler Sings the Peggy Lee Songbook. Released in October 2005, the album sold 55,000 copies the first week of release and debuted at #10. …”

Bette Midler interview – Hollywood Confidential

Gloria Steinem interviews Bette Midler clip 1 of 2

Gloria Steinem interviews Bette Midler clip 2 of 2

Bette Midler – Superstars

Bette on The View Part 1 (HQ)

Bette on The View Part 2 (HQ)

Bette Midler on Arsenio Hall Show part 1 of 5

Bette Midler on Arsenio Hall Show part 2 of 5

Bette Midler on Arsenio Hall Show part 3 of 5

Bette Midler on Arsenio Hall Show part 4 of 5

Bette Midler on Arsenio Hall Show part 5 of 5

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Friday, January 1, 2010

America, God blessed country


By Douglas Cook

(Dec 31, 2009) — To say that “you would not be here reading this if you where not concerned for what is taking place in our country,” is a logical assumption.

“What to do?” “What can I do?” “What is the safe smart move?” — These are some of the questions running through all our minds.

The safe move is the smart move, in common times.

But these are uncommon times for us. Time is becoming a critical factor. Our liberties are rapidly dissolving. There are events taking place that if the right choices are taken brave people will be rewarded.

I have faith in the patriotic nature of we the people. People power is where it is at.  As a person of conservative values you may have asked yourself about the political Parties, where have they been of late? It is an honest question. I think they are out getting new dentures and Armani suits.   Time has arrived to refresh these political Parties. Time to refresh our Republic.

Now is the time to renew the people into the true power factor that we always have been. It is ourselves that know what we want. It is we who know what is best for ourselves. It is we that far outnumber any political party in power. It is we that are the true power brokers.

The power we hold as the people is monumental. It is bigger than any.

It is larger than us.

It is America.

You, and you and you, and you and I and she and he, us and we have everything to gain by taking control of our destiny our lives and our great society.

We are our brave hearted soldiers who may die in a far place far from comfort and those who love them, whose bravery arises from being utterly scared of dangers of combat, who may never hold in their arms that beautiful creature born of blood. The blessed hearted lady who operates her daycare from her home, never charges you for watching your kids when you have to stay late at your job. The old guy who has worked 30 years in a trade craft who has more knowledge than any new college graduate engineer, his knowledge discounted and brings home a quarter of the pay. The police officers who never know if they will end up in a pine box, but have such honor and courage they never waver in their duty. The miner who may go to eternity in the lonely dark confines of a coal mine. The pilot who against all odds lands his 50 Ton airliner on a river because he believes in all his heart everyone on board can all walk away. The family who gives up everything from the home country to become citizens in a nation that believes in and is founded in liberty and self-determination. The Doctor who strives to cope with the mysteries of life, who carries silently the Hippocratic Oath as a badge of courage. The fireman that humps 50 pounds of gear 70 flights of stairs with higher regard for your life than his. These folks and so many more believe in this place called America, they believe in it so much they will do whatever it takes to contribute something of themselves to our way of life. You all, you who want so little contribute so much. These are people who number in the millions upon millions.


Compared to we the people, the folks in elected office who are currently chartering our destiny are numbered in the mere hundreds.

How does that grab you?

And what will really bake your noodle, consider the number of folks in our elective government who are visibly and actively working in the people’s best interest and wishes?

I do not see a many. There are, God bless them, a few who stand by us, who believe. They need us and we need them. These few have a lot to offer and are wise men and woman. They are we. We are they. Heroes?

There is most likely no messiah of the flesh waiting in the wings, no hero, or savior who is going to come to our rescue; one man or woman is not going to do be able to so, this is not America. There are many Heroes though. If you were to ask where are they I would say to you; they are regular folks, they are we and we are they. Out of many comes one.

We are our saviors, in a sense. We are the ones who will come to the rescue. That is the beauty of it; it is part and parcel of who we are as a people and a nation. This is where greatness lays.“We the People” is our God given and our constitutionally guaranteed right to self-determination.


On Sept 12, 2009, over 1.7 million people gathered together in one place, these are folks who believe in each other and their country. Do you suppose there are other Patriots who could not be there in the flesh? Do you surmise that their spirit was there? Is it safe to contend there are tens of millions more that could not attend?

Might there be quite a bit more than this?

Heroes? Do any of us know of a time or place where so many gathered peacefully for something so grand and noble? Think about it. Think about how profound this is. Yet how simple it is.  If you understand this my friend you now have the power, you have the gift to see beyond time.

Our way of life is assured if we the people incorporate as an entity to be reckoned with. Neither one nor anything is going to do this for us.

A simple truth of the matter, I can not with my hand shading my eyes scanning the horizon see a political party out there with our best interest coming before any other?

I can see, I can envision, a vast number of people who are afraid of what is becoming of our beloved country, and our way of life and I think they are very angry, are deeply concerned and are looking for redress. Redress from usurpers, dictators.

Now it is the time for us to take those concerns of and beliefs in Liberty and of Freedoms to re-form a union of people and government that serves the interest and desires of the people.


This is the time to stand by our Founding Fathers who gave us, we the people, the tools and the wise answers to do what needs to be done.

There is no other time. There is no other place. This is our Home. There is no place to run. This is where it is my friends and fellow Patriots.

The cold hard reality is that values and philosophies of Liberty and Freedom only spoken of or written about do not a nation make. Liberty and Freedom requires refreshing through action and deeds.

Vote not only your conscience when you pull that lever, call out not only your voice or write with your hand, vote with your checkbook, invest in your security with Washington’s, and Lincolns, and Hamilton’s, give Grant and good old Franklin a say too. Invest in the people who seek elective office who swear the oath of fealty upon the heart and bible to our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to the republican form of constitutional government.

What you may say?
Yes, dollars, or bullets and…
That is not the path. This is not the choice.

I say you, Have faith o ye faithful!

We have the power, yes we do. It may be a concept difficult to visualize at first look, once you give it a good think it is not so hard to realize what is staring us in the face.

The situation is ripe for the picking. We have a viable political entity called the Republican Party that is ours for the making. There are elected people who are our compatriots, many who are easily displaced. The timing could not be better. This is our time, this is our saving grace. We the people can build the Republican Party into the Constitutionally conscious committed arm of the representation of the will of the people.

Forget the current state of affairs of the Democratic Party, they do not stand a chance against a citizenry locked and loaded. Give discount to the Obama administration. It is a house of cards. It exists only through the dictator’s tactic of divide and conquer. Give little concern for vehicles of moral corruption’s; a morally bankrupt left has little power over those who cast aside those evils.

This great nation is not a country of the few for the few. It is not a country for the benefit of the privileged. It is not a nation of slaves to agendas and special interests. It is not a nation for the benefit of the elite who rape of us for our treasure and rob us of our prosperity.

It is the time to leave this corruption of liberty in the dust of history.

We are a nation of laws and people undivided. This is the bond that binds us and is unbreakable.  We have our differences yes, differences do not divide; differences make us strong as they are the source of our greatest strength. Always has and always will. It is a balance that is healthy. We are a nation of different people; this is part and parcel of the strength and moral fiber that makes us what we are.

Liberty, Justice, Self-Determination, Prosperity and Freedom.

Patrick Henry told the audience at St Johns Church in Richmond Virginia on March 23 1775 “Give me Liberty, or give me Death.” Among those in attendance that day where Patriots and future Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. History tells us these Heroes and Patriots responded with a chorus of shouts, To Arms! To Arms!

These are Heroes who risked treason to a potentate; risking all they had in belief of what is now our country. But treason it was not, it was fealty to human dignity, belief in being free and prosperous, at all costs.

They are Heroes in the flesh long gone.

Might be it is for Heroes of our time to carry the day.
In 1831 Samuel Francis Smith wrote in the opening lyrics to “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”

My country, ‘tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty

It is to you and I, us and we, our time has come.

This is our God blessed country.

This is where the Heroes are.

We are the Heroes.

From Canadian Free Press article By Doug Cook, revised & republished originally from Monday October 26, 2009
