Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Contemplation of Liberty

Can we be free without God?

I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. The history of western Europe from the 16th to the 20th century is supposedly the story of increasingly secular and increasingly free societies.

With the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Empire, the world was supposed to be ushering in an era of freedom unknown to any previous generation.

But has it and is it?

I’m not convinced, neither about the current spread of freedom under the WHO and the UN, those bastions of democratically elected officials, nor about the myth of the spread of freedom over the past 500 years.

I believe that our United States are nowhere near as free as we have allowed ourselves to pretent, and the reason we think we are still “the leaders of the free world” is because we have tried valiantly to redefine freedom.

I also believe that the remaining freedoms we have are all tenuous for one simple reason: we have reached the point where are rights are distributed at the will of the state.

For this reason, and many others, the summer 2010 CiRCE conference will be A Contemplation of liberty.

Confirmed speakers so far include Leigh Bortins, Andrew Pudewa, Dr. James Taylor, Leah Lutz, and myself. More will be announced over the coming weeks.

The dates are July 15-17 and the location is Dallas, TX, details still being worked.

Please note that we have moved the conference forward two weeks.

Now get this (and I’d recommend you pass the news on to those you know and love). Until January 31, we are offering a super early registration fee of only $200/person. If you are a school and you know you want to send, say, five people but don’t even know who they might be yet, you can just tell us the number and we’ll register you for five.

This is a huge savings, over 33% if my calculator is working, as the regular rate is $269.

At last year’s conference we argued that the world has lost its morings because of the attack on the idea of nature. Now we are going to explore how one of prices of that attack has been and continues to be our freedom.

The problem starts in school. Will you join us?

To learn more, visit our website for occasional updates or call us at 704 236-3964.

If you know you want to come and want huge early bird savings, please visit our webstore at this link and secure your seats early.


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