Back on April 15, 2009, Texas Governor Rick Perry found himself in front of a microphone at a Tea Party at Austin City Hall, and blurted out words to suggest that Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that. Kind of reminds me of the old story of the politician who, upon discovering a nearby parade, ran to the front of the parade so he would appear to be leading it.
But in Lubbock in September, Perry said that Texas “needs to lead, not secede.” So clearly, Rick Perry is not going to be a leader for Texas independence.
In light of Perry’s public statements about secession, would Governor Perry become a friend of secession or an enemy? To whom can Texans turn for leadership in the planning, formation and ratification of a new Republic of Texas? Looks like Texas Nationalist Movement president Daniel Miller is the presumptive go-to guy for that leadership.
Look at some of Perry’s postings at his website about his “accomplishments.”
Agriculture: Perry has accumulated many endorsements for re-election in 2010 from agricultural (and other) special interests. But special interests want government favors, which translates into money flowing both ways. If a New Texas Constitution rejected the old political ways of cronyism, over-regulation, taxation and lobbying, special interest lobbyists would be unnecessary. What would Perry do in such an environment?
Energy Policy: Washington wants to pass Cap and Trade legislation, which would hurt Texas. Perry’s taken a stand against it. Would Perry (a) obey that law if passed, (b) nullify the law if passed, or (c) lead Texas into secession?
Government Reform: Perry and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison trade barbs about the size of campaign contributions while each is spending money from Washington through legislative “earmarks.” What about Perry’s record as Governor would lead anyone to believe that he would forsake politics as usual and beat the drum for a small, efficient government for a New Texas?
Border issues and the War on Drugs: Perry has spearheaded the quasi-military assault on those crossing the Mexico-Texas border. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent by Perry and the legislature to continue a failed policy of “war” on the drug trade. It didn’t work when America tried to ban alcohol sales in the early 20th Century. Law enforcement tried the same kinds of measures to dry up both supply and demand for alcohol. The black market flourished, and organized crime became powerful and wealthy smuggling alcohol into America. The same ridiculous mistakes are being made today regarding recreational drugs. Today’s war on drugs is treating symptoms and ignoring the underlying disease. Legalization of recreational drugs is the only sensible choice for liberty and intelligent crime prevention in Texas. Could Rick Perry reverse himself and embrace this concept?
Education: Perry recently announced that Texas will invest $160 million to expand the scope of Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (T-STEM) academies. Apparently Perry believes in spending lots of taxpayer money to promote public education. Could Perry be counted on to reverse course and reject tax-supported public education in a New Texas?
Higher Education: Big Government wonk Bill Bennett, former Secretary of Education, endorsed Perry for re-election in 2010. When the old guard in Mordor loves you, what does that say about your independence and anti-state stand?
Budget Reform: Governor Perry constantly criticizes Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson for her consistent efforts to “bring home the bacon” to Texas. Sure KBH is a Washington big spender. But would he criticize her if she weren’t running for Governor against him?
Rick Perry is the odds-on favorite for a third term as Governor, a feat no previous Texas governor has done. In light of the way the Texas-Washington relationship works, Perry looks like a great choice for Governor. But the nationalist movement should not look to Mr. Perry for leadership on the subject of state secession. Better to look to Daniel Miller and Congressman Ron Paul, who already share the anti-statist world view.
The big questions about Rick Perry are these: How much tyranny from Washington is too much? Will there ever be a point at which the Texas governor says that Washington has gone too far, and that Texas must now go its own way?
Only time will tell.
DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.
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