Sunday, October 11, 2009

There Are No Coincidences: Three Progressive Presidents Won The Nobel Peace Prize--Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Barack Obama!

“Behind every progressive policy lies a single moral value: empathy, together with the responsibility and strength to act on that empathy.”

~George Lakoff,

Who Deserved the Nobel Peace Prize? Should we even care?

President Theodore Roosevelt, a progressive Republican, won the 1906 Peace Prize for using his office as a mediator between Russia and Japan resulting in a peace treaty between the two nations in September 1905.

Theodore ~ A Tribute to Teddy Roosevelt

President Woodrow Wilson, a progressive Democrat, won the 1919 Noble Peace Prize for his Fourteen Points peace program and his efforts in achieving the League of Nations in the 1919 Treaty of Versailles:

“In accepting the honor of your award I am moved not only by a profound gratitude for the recognition of my [sincere and] earnest efforts in the cause of peace, but also by a very poignant humility before the vastness of the work still called for by this cause.

May I not take this occasion to express my respect for the far-sighted wisdom of the founder in arranging for a continuing system of awards? If there were but one such prize, or if this were to be the last, I could not of course accept it. For mankind has not yet been rid of the unspeakable horror of war. I am convinced that our generation has, despite its wounds, made notable progress. But it is the better part of wisdom to consider our work as one1 begun. It will be a continuing labor. In the indefinite course of [the] years before us there will be abundant opportunity for others to distinguish themselves in the crusade against hate and fear and war.

There is indeed a peculiar fitness in the grouping of these Nobel rewards. The cause of peace and the cause of truth are of one family. Even as those who love science and devote their lives to physics or chemistry, even as those who would create new and higher ideals for mankind in literature, even so with those who love peace, there is no limit set. Whatever has been accomplished in the past is petty compared to the glory and promise of the future.

Woodrow Wilson”


I have been reading George Lakoff’s book, Whose Freedom, The Battle Over American’s Most Important Idea, both an edifying, confusing, and in the end a misleading book.

Authors@Google: George Lakoff

Lakoff is very proud to be what Americans call progressive and Europeans social democrats.

If Lakoff were Norweign and on the Noble Peace Prize Committee he would have fit right in and have voted for President Obama receiving the award.

The Obama Nobel Peace Prize would show European empathy for the challenges and demands faced by newly elected and inexperienced President calling for the nurturing family of nations to provide him a motiviational incentive to succeed to unite us all under world progressive socialism. Beside, it would really stick it to former President George W. Bush, or so they believe:

Saturday Night Live Mocks Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize Win

Progressive tend to come from a nurturant family where “..the job of a parent is to nurture his or her children, and to raise the chldren to be nuturers of others! Nurturance involves empathy and responsibility (for both oneself and others), as well as everything that responsibility requires strength, competence, endurance, and so on.”

According to Lakoff all progressive values come from empathy and responsibility including security, attachment, protection, fairness, happiness,  fulfillment, freedom and opportunity.

While empathy is certainly a valuable ability to have, it is certainly not an ability of either progressives or conservatives per se.

What Lakoff fails to mention or leaves out is that many early progressives, both  Democrats and Republicans believed in eugenics and/or racial superiotity including President Roosevelt and Wilson.

War on the Weak: Eugenics in America


Fit vs. UnFit, Eugenics, Planned Parenthood & Psychology, Mind Control Report

Politically, I am what Europeans would call liberal and Americans, libertarian and consider myself to be a movement conservative.

Lakoff would describe me as a biconceptual conservative.

In describing economic freedom Lakoff captured my point of view:

“…Conservatives who speak of economic freedom are usually concerned with making and keeping money–that is, with the freedom to acquire and maintain further freedoms (the ones that money can buy). The government is, in Grover Norquist’s term, “the beast”–to be shrunk to be small enough to drown in a bathtub. Their gripe against government is that government takes away their money (through taxes), gives it to other people (through social programs), gets in the way of making it (through) regulations and laws), and wastes it (through inefficiency). In doing so, they see government as taking away not only their freedom but also their freedom to acquire and maintain other freedoms. They also believe that private wealth creates more wealth through investment and that govenment taxation and regulation inhibits the creation of more wealth and thus more freedom. The only legitimate role for government is to protect their freedom–their lives and property (the military, the police, and the criminal justice system)–and to provide order in their everyday lives (through law enforcement and institutions that promote social order, like churches).  …”

What is a continuing and direct threat to the American family, whether it isa conservative  strict father family or the progressive  nurturant family is government, at all levels–city, state, and Federal.

The beast has an insatiable and growing appetite that must be feed with tax dollars.

It would seem that the progressive radical socialist elites of both political parties have lost their capacity of empathy.


They could care less that the taking from families of  their income and wealth to support and expand the commonwealth, is the root cause of many of society’s problems.

The unconstrained vision of the progressive radical socialists not empathy is the real problem. 

Good intentions, caring and empathy are simply not enough.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Results  matter.

Ideas have consequences both intended and unintended.

Let us immigration as an example to illustrated some points.

Illegal aliens are criminal aliens and are employed by businesses that are criminal enterprises.

Both immigrants and businesses are breaking the law massively each and every day and the political class or elites want to use words to do away with the problem.

Comprehensive immigration reform is amnesty for criminal aliens and rewards criminal aliens, criminal enterprises and corrupt politicians who refuse to enforce immigration laws.

Both the Republican and Democratic Party led by progressive radical socialists in both parties favor comprehensive immigration reform and open borders–no fences or border patrols.

The American people support immigration law enforcement not amnesty for criminals whether they be immigrants, businesses or politicians that aid and abet the criminals in exchange for campaign contributions and votes.

The American people also support limited controlled legal immigration of about 200,000 people per year from around the world, the full assimiliation of these immigrants into our nation and English as the official language of the United States.

Lakoff is absolutely correct that whoever frames the debate on the issue, wins the debate, if not the election:

Deep frames are where the action is.

The deep frames are the ones that structure how you view the world. They characterize moral and political principles that are so deep they are part of your own identity. Deep framing is the conceptual infrastructure of the mind: the foundation, walls, and beams of that edifice. Without deep frames, there is nothing for the surface message frames to hang on.

You also will usually win the election if the candidate nominated truly believes and acts on  their conservative moral and political principles and can effectively communicate them.

Now the above is an example of what Lakoff calls framing, both deep and surface framing:

“Deep frames structure your moral system or your worldview. Surface frames have a much smaller scope. They are associated with particular words or phrases, and with modes of communication with .”

A progressive would reframe the illegal issues as comprehensive immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship: 

Barack Obama slams John Mccain’s immigration flip flop


Obama Double Talk, Caught In A Lie, Illegals and Healthcare Health Care, Immigration Reform Fox

Note the substitution of undocumented workers instead of illegal immigrants or criminal aliens. Also note the statement that we have a broken immigration system.

The Federal Government both under Bush and Obama have not been vigorously enforcing the immgiration laws contrary to both their oath of office and the rule of law. Instead both political parties have broken the system and want to “fix it” by giving a “pathway to citizenship” or amnesty for criminal aliens and criminal enterprises that employ they.

Lakoff would call this reframing, others spinning, many lying to the American people and shows the deep corruption of the political class, especially the progressives of both parties.

The American people know that President Obama is a notorous liar and no longer believe or trust what he says.

Many have stopped listening altogether.

Once you lose a person’s trust, you almost never get it back, no matter what word or frames, deep or superficial you use.

Ideas matter, but character, credibility and trust matter more.

In America today, the polticians of the left liked to be called progressive or what in Europe would be called social democrats, I view them all as collectivists and most are socialist or fascist and just will not admit it in public.

The progressive in America have captured both big media and academia.

The conservatives of all types are alive and well on talk radio and on the internet in blogs, podcasts, videos and web sites.

The American people are waking up to what the progressives are up to and they do not like it.

Frame it or spin however you like, but lying is lying.

When the progressive radical socialist Democratic Party led by Barack Obama pass plans and programs affecting families or taking money out of their wallets, the American people will not knowingly vote for a liar from any political party in the next election.

Trust, integrity and character not good intentions and empathy are paramount. 

“The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments. “

~George Washington Background Articles and Videos


Bill O’Reilly on Barack Obama 2009 Nobel Peace Prize — “Obama is a Predator Drone Kind of Guy”

FOX’s Chris Wallace Reacts To President Obama Winning Nobel Peace Prize – 10/9/2009


World War I Documentary Vol3- 6/8 Wilson & Peace pt1


World War I Documentary Vol3- 6/8 Wilson & Peace pt2


World War I Documentary Vol3- 6/8 Wilson & Peace pt3


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