Monday, December 28, 2009

"Lady Gumbo" Claims! Congress Is Sleeping!

“Lady Gumbo” of Baton Rouge claims Congress sleeps on the job! She claims her “Firecracker Gumbo” will keep Congress and Senate awake! We down here eat roadkill! Them there leaders of ours drink Champaign! Eat the American pie! We pay for it! She’s tired of it! She claims no Congressman or Senator  can sleep after eating her gumbo! She says, “Them sissy boys up there! They fall asleep! They’ll shit themselves”!  ”Lady Gumbo” claims the quick solution to solving the problems of America is her “Firecracker Gumbo” and  locked toilets in Washington!

Dear Lady Gumbo,

“Firecracker Gumbo”! Get her done! “Save America Send a Sheep to Washington” would like to place an order for four thousand gallons of “Firecracker Gumbo” for deliver to Washington. We will be in contact soon. “Lady Gumbo” you are “We the people”!

Codename: Louisiana 128.



Friday, December 25, 2009

American Heroes - 2nd Continental Congress

The colonial war with Britain had recently started, and the delegates from the thirteen colonies assembled in Philadelphia to direct the war effort, raise armies, appoint diplomats and other necessary acts.  Each of the delegates took their task very seriously and only acted within the authority given by their individual state.

Standing in stark comparison to the actions of today’s elected delegates to Congress, the Continental Congress delegates could not/would not take action or vote in a manner either inconsistent with or without the express authority of their constituent state.

Notes taken by Thomas Jefferson, given to James Madison, tell of the importance each delegate gave to their respective constituent authority:

“It was also argued by J. Adams, Lee, Wythe, and others:

That the people wait for us to lead the way:

That they are in favor of the measure, though the instructions given by some of their representatives are not:

That the voice of the representatives is not always consonant with the voice of the people, and this is remarkably the case in these middle Colonies:”

Congress voting independence

Eventually, the delegates consented to vote the consent of their constituent states – to declare independence from Britain.

In the event of constituent desire to have their delegates to Congress take action on a measure that is consistent with their desire and wishes…the Second Continental Congress ultimately took their authority from their constituent states and voted accordingly.  That was the ONLY action they could take.  Today, we see a Congress that takes action NOT in accordance with the wishes and desires of the majority of their constituents – it is for THEIR desire and glory only!

Oh for the dedication, commitment, and individual responsibility to those who send congressional representatives to Washington today as was displayed in the minds and actions of the Second Continental Congress.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Amazing Hoodwinking

It’s amazing to me that we continue to let Congress go down this path of rushed legislation.  “We must do this now!”  “We have to sign it before Christmas!”  They’ve used the same pattern for every piece of rushed legislation this year since the initial TARP programs last year.   TARPS I and II.  Stimulus.  Overextended budget.   Cap and trade (though not signed yet).  Health care.  “We can’t afford to stop and think about this.  We must act now!”

It’s the same argument global warming believers use with the planet.  “It will only happen gradually for the 50 – 100 years, but if we wait 5 more minutes it will be too late.”

In a former job we had a lot of “fire drills.”  The bosses would come with these important pieces of work that had to be done now!  They would get us all frothed up so that we were cranking out absolute crud until 2:00 am.  I coined a term for those projects:  JALJA (Jumping Around Like Jackasses).  “Here comes another JALJA,” became common lingo in my group.  Most of us eventually wised up and realized the JALJA’s weren’t important and moved onto to work for bosses who could use their resources effectively.  The JALJA leaders couldn’t figure out what was important and what wasn’t, so everything was, even when it wasn’t.  They didn’t know what they were doing, so they did a lot of it to keep people guessing.

The Congressional pace over the past year reminds me a lot of those good ole JALJA’s.  People seem to be wising up, based on Obama’s declining poll numbers.  I hope it will translate into results at the 2010 Congressional elections to restore a balance of power in Congress.

At the very minimum, maybe we will get back to the days where Congressman and Senators would at least read, if not come to fully understand the stuff they’re voting on.  It seems like such a basic expectation.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Are we prisoners of Christ?

As hundreds of people stood to their feet lifting their voices in song and praise, I felt a change in the atmosphere. I had never attended an event so full of life, love, passion, and desire. These young men and women were in love with Jesus Christ. They were the living testimony of His good works and the many blessings He had placed on their lives.

The next artist walked on to the stage and greeted the worshipers in the audience.  He shared his testimony and introduced their song. The musicians were on point and we were ushered into another praise song. The beats were crazy. Everyone was into the song, but did anyone really hear the lyrics? I wonder if this is a prime example of what happens when the beats pull us in and we neglect to listen closely to the lyrics?

As I listened closely to the lyrics of the song, I was left puzzled. I later turned to my cousin who had the same puzzled expression on his face. We paused and listened closer to the lyrics of the song, which said, “I am a prisoner of Christ?”

What? I am a prisoner of Christ? Does that even make sense? Is that even possible? No, no, and definitely a big NO! The wonderful thing about Jesus Christ and His love for us is that we are given free will. Since the beginning of time, Jesus gave Adam and Eve the freedom to do His will or fulfill their own desires. They had the ability to choose right from wrong. Even after they sinned and until today, we still have free will. We can choose to come to church or stay home. Sadly, many Christians have chosen the latter. Granted, there are many reasons why one has made their personal decision to stay home instead of attending a church service. However, if you have a problem with your church, there are millions of other churches around the world to choose from.

Am I a prisoner of Christ? Well what does the word, “prisoner” mean? According to, a prisoner is a person or thing that is deprived of liberty or kept in restraint. The second definition is a person who is confined in prison or kept in custody, esp. as the result of legal process.  So with those definitions in mind, I couldn’t possibly be a prisoner of Christ.

I have the liberty to worship Christ or not. The beauty of that decision is He will love us regardless.  I am not confined. Christ would never confine those who follow Him. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for those of the world. With all decisions, there are consequences. To love Christ means that you must be willing to die for your faith. Christians will have a difficult time trying to stay faithful, because we will be forced to conform our ways to that of the world. We know that as Christians we must stand out, because the ways of the world are against the Bible.  Times are easy now for some, but life will become quite uncomfortable over time for true believers. To hate Christ means that you will not gain eternal life. Once you know the end result of either path, it’s still your choice to identify which is the best route.

I sense some of my readers may ask, are we prisoners of Satan if not Christ? I would still have to say no. He doesn’t have the ability to imprison us. It boils down to our decision to follow one versus the other.  It’s not too late to switch armies. Keep in mind, time is of the essence. For those of you who are still stuck at the fork in the road, choose Christ. Then proudly proclaim that you are a soldier of Christ, not His prisoner. I have!


Friday, December 18, 2009

Same Old Obama

As much as this characterizes our government, it is also becoming a universal sentiment of an entitled society.

Last week, President Obama lashed out at the financial institutions on Wall Street.

When the President of the United States flippantly refers to private citizens and their businesses as ‘fat cat bankers on Wall Street’ there is a problem with the president. When the public sees nothing wrong with this, there is a larger problem with the public at large.

The irony of this particular instance of class warfare populism exhibited by Barack Obama, is that as he delivers these remarks, we learn that government employees are much better paid than private workers. This may seem unrelated at first glance, however, the president petulantly proclaimed these so called ‘fat-cats’ the architects of our current recession, seemingly excusing the federal government of any and all responsibility in the matter. I won’t get into all the intricacies and arguments here, but suffice it to say this is a more than generous revision on the president’s part. So the age old question ‘cui bono?’ does not reflect well on those ‘fat cats’ in D.C. if we understand their role in the unraveling of our economy compared to their ever increasing compensation.

The cycle is a vicious yet convenient one: Support and push policies that loudly proclaim help for the helpless while quietly destroying the free market, which action directly creates more ‘helpless’ to promise more for while also creating the circumstances in which people will more likely cede power to ‘the only people’ who can fix things. Oh, and they need to be better compensated for all the extra work of saving us.

In fact, USA Today reported the following:

  • On average, federal employees earned $71,206 per year, compared to $40,331 in the private sector.


  • From December 2007 through June 2009, average federal employee salaries increased by 6.6 percent, while average private-sector salaries increased by 3.9 percent. Federal employees at the top of the pay scale received pay increases of 8.6 percent during that period.


  • Federal employment is getting top-heavy. Federal employees making more than $100,000 increased from 14 percent to 19 percent of total government employment. In fact, the number of federal employees making more than $100,000 has more than doubled in less than two years. There are now more federal employees making more than $100,000 per year than $40,000 per year.

How could anyone say no to this face?

In light of these facts, how can any government employee begrudge any private citizen their salary? The fact is that these ‘fat cats’ on Wall Street are creating something. They are creating jobs and wealth for millions. The ‘fat cats’ on Washington are best known for creating hurdles for those that would create jobs and wealth.


Worse still, Obama warns that the ‘fat cats’ had better stop opposing government control of their pay and strict oversight of their day-to-day operations because, basically, they owe him for the bailout, which coincidentally many of them have paid back and others have been deterred from paying back.


Obama’s ignorance seems only matched and perhaps exceeded by his unmitigated arrogance. These comments were made just before the president was to meet with said ‘fat cats’ to persuade them to comply with his wishes.

Who says this guy isn’t smooth?


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Late night conversation with a friend

I was feeling a bit challenged tonight when a friend appeared on MSN Messenger Chat and we ended up chatting for a while. I was sharing with M how scary it can be moving alone to Australia alone in one and a half months without a job and permanent place to live at this moment. I thought our exchange of words might be useful words of encouragement.

“What do you think your biggest failure to yourself is? Think large picture.” “Not giving myself a chance to try something I really want.”

“I think you need to set some KPIs on goals which you have invested heavily in.”

“But I want to live life knowing that at least I tried. I hate to stop at something just because it’s unfamiliar to me.”

“Where did you pick up that fearless spirit?” “I think from sports. I hate to lose, and if I lose, I wanna go down fighting.”

“No one can win all the time, and that has taught me how to suck it up. I may grumble, but my mind is already focused on another goal.”


“Security = Liberty. I’m very very focused about getting as much security as possible so that I can have the freedom to have choices laid out for me. Emotional security…..need to be self-assured and confident enough so that our eyes can be opened to the options that lie ahead of us.”




Monday, December 14, 2009

I know! That's a "marketing director"!

David Davis

Marissa Mayer is just one of those – what’s the beef?

She is described as

vice president for search products and user experience

But that just translates as “Marketing Director”. Sorry!

Nothing to see here then.

As marketing directors go, she is very pretty overall, but a bit blonde for my taste, so I’ll pass. I can say these things and not be sacked, for I am a Masterless Man.

However, that does not detract from the clear success and acumen of the Google people, including her obviously, in doing a very good imitation of taking all the geeks’ precious things, which I love to do, and giving them to everyone, which I also love to do.

And if Google simultaneously translates everything in every language, for everyone, into his own, then one of the main anti-cultural beefs about the Anglosphere, which is that it is “hegemonic”, can be laid to rest in the slime to which it belongs.

And who invented Google?


He is There and He Is Silent

The 20th Century religious philosopher Francis Schaeffer wrote a book entitled “He Is There And He Is Not Silent.” It was a follow up to his earlier books “The God Who Is There” and “Escape From Reason.”

His premise is that God has revealed Himself to man through creation, the Bible and Jesus Christ. He compares Christian world views with existentialism. He states that the impersonal plus time plus chance does not explain creation or the “mannishness” of man. He contends that Christianity does answer all of the questions of origins in a God who is both personal and infinite.

On God’s personal side, Schaeffer submits that man is made in the image of God, and therefore meant to have a personal relationship with man. So the chasm is placed below God and man, and below the chasm are animals, plants and the machine (physics).

Schaeffer also asserts that God is infinite, and that all else is the creation. That includes man, the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and the machine. On the side of God’s infinity, there is a chasm affixed between God and his creation.

In a diagram, it would look like this:

The Personal God The Infinite God man CHASM CHASM Man Animal kingdom Animal kingdom Plant Kingdom Plant Kingdom The Machine (physics) The Machine (physics)

Jean Paul Sartre stated that the greatest philosophical question is that something exists rather than nothing exists. Eastern philosophy leans toward the “nothing exists” side. Hebraic/Christian thought affirms that God created a true universe outside of Himself, and that the universe is not an extension of the essence of God…not just one of God’s dreams.

Early science dealt with natural things. It agreed with Christianity in that both hold to the theory of the uniformity of natural causes. For the Christian that means that God’s universe can be known, but that God can interject Himself into His creation in substantive ways. But this belief relies upon acceptance that the Bible is God’s revealed truth to man. Early scientists believed that there is a reasonable God who created a reasonable universe, and that man, using his reason, could gain knowledge about the universe and about God.

The early scientists believed in the uniformity of natural causes. What they didn’t believe was the uniformity of natural causes in a closed system. They believed in the rational, in which is found the concept of thesis and antithesis. The basis of classical logic is that A is not non-A. If a certain thing is true, then its opposite is not true. They also searched for a philosophy that was a unified field of knowledge…an answer that would explain all of thought, all of creation and all of life. God is…and He created.

That position is not the dominant philosophy among modern scientists. Today’s scientists as a group reject the existence of God. Modern science is characterized by the belief in the impersonal plus time plus chance to explain origins. Yet until recently in scientific history (the early 1900s) they still searched for that unified field of knowledge that could explain everything.

Modern science starts with rationalism (not rationality), an autonomous man as the center of the universe, without the need for God. They do not believe in the rational in terms of thesis and antithesis. They embraced the philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel, the 18th Century Enlightenment philosopher who first advanced the concept of synthesis.

Hegel changed the way the game is played in two areas: (1) epistemology, the theory of knowledge and the limits and validity of knowledge; and (2) methodology, by which we evaluate questions of truth.

He asserted that man should no longer think in terms of thesis (truth) and antithesis (not true). Rather, that we should seek an answer that is synthesis. This kicked the door wide open to relativism, in which there is no truth.

So, one worldview holds that God is the center of the universe, while the other holds that man is the center of the universe. The secular, non-Diety viewpoint has now seeped into every field of human endeavor, including art, music, general culture, and theology. The more that autonomous man has learned about nature, the more rebellious he has had to become to explain away the existence of the Creator God. Without a Creator, rationalism degenerates into determinism…that everything is a part of the machine and nothing else.

In a rational, God-based worldview, meaning can be found for creation and human existence. However, in a secular worldview, meaning dissolves into determinism, as all of the universe is swallowed up in physics and conjecture.

In order to avoid despair, and living a life without meaning, the Christian must make a leap of faith in the veracity of a Bible that is 100% written by men, and not subject to verification.

In order to avoid despair, and living a life without meaning, the secularist must make a leap of faith…even though it is a leap into the darkness. He manufactures meaning without any evidence whatsoever.

So, both worldviews end up being a religious activity since they both require faith. Secularism requires much more faith than rationality.

The human emotion and act of love is also meaningless in a determinist, secular, rationalist, existential world view. When there is no meaning in human existence, and people’s lives are only cogs in a machine, love becomes absurd. This cheapens the value of all life, not just human life.

What the secularist ends up with are groups of connotation words…words that used to have objective meaning, but are now used with no meaning left. Words such as love, morals, republican, democrat, constitution, law, justice, science, ethics and truth. The connotation words are useful in manipulating the hearers, since there remains a societal memory of what they used to mean. But they really only mean what the speaker wants them to mean.

So, where does one go for a unified field of knowledge and meaning of life if you do not accept the Bible as the Word of God, yet you still believe in a Creator God?

I would like to offer Third Way…a Deist worldview that differs from the Christian and secular positions.

That is, that God is an impersonal-infinite God.

This simply deviates from the view that God is personal. It does not hold that God is unknowable. It affirms that God created everything but himself. Many characteristics of his nature are discoverable by observing His creation. The Deist worldview simply rejects the idea that God wishes to have a personal relationship with man beyond what He reveals about Himself in nature and the cosmos.

The Deist position calls into question the accuracy and veracity of the 66-book Bible that has existed since the 4th century Council of Nicea, and as such, finds that most of that Bible, while filled with good stories, fables, and moral lessons, is not the revealed truth directly from the creator God.

The only truths that can be determined about God are the truths that can be gleaned from studying His creation. That is the only revelation from God that can be verified. Further, God’s character can be known through study of creation from the microcosm to the macrocosm. But it must be stated that while God’s personality and character can be know truly, it cannot be known exhaustively since we are finite beings.

All other writings about God, no matter where on earth they are found, are man’s attempt to explain his understanding of God. Divine revelation directly from God to man as never been documented and cannot be duplicated within or without a laboratory. However the order of God’s universe, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, can be documented, replicated, studied and known.

Holy writ is only deemed holy by its adherents. To wit, Bible-believing Christians reject the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita and the Book of Mormon as heresies and vice versa.

This Creator of all but Himself has the power to manifest Himself to every human being that has ever lived upon this planet. If God truly wanted a relationship with mankind, or any man individually, he could simply reveal Himself. If and when God does reveal Himself to man, all “religion” will of necessity cease, as man will no longer need to reach out to God or try to explain a being he cannot experience with his five senses. Belief will be unnecessary, since mankind will KNOW God. The most jaded, cynical scientist and atheist, faced with a real God, could no longer hold onto their worldviews.

All of the rules and regulations found in the Bible, and the silly games attributed to the Creator, are an insult to the character of an infinite Being. God does not need to sneak around and play complicated faith games with humans if he desires human relationships. Accepting Him at the level of his universal revelation is a more honest way to believe in God.

I believe that God has revealed these seven attributes about Himself in creation:

1. Creativity
2. Order
3. Love
4. Beauty
5. Intention
6. Abundance
7. Receptivity

I most heartily recommend the Deist worldview to seekers of truth. It is the worldview that requires the least amount of faith and manufactured guilt, reveals the most truth about God and the cosmos, retains meaning for human existence, and makes the most sense for those who aspire to maximum individual liberty.

There is another writer that I recommend for a supplemental perspective on the veracity of the Bible. Lysander Spooner was a Deist and attorney who wrote extensively about religion and politics in the mid-1800s. He has written “The Deist’s Reply to the Alleged Supernatural Evidences of Christianity.” In this five-chapter work, he delivers a withering argument against the very foundations of Christianity. I challenge you to read his work and refute it.

You can find the work and read it for free at:

Also, read “The Deist’s Immortality, and an essay on man’s accountability for his belief” at:

© Copyright 2009, Russell D. Longcore. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Predictions that Have Come to Pass

On October 23rd 2009 I wrote a blog Named “Another Vision Today”

In that Blog I spoke about things that would happen soon and Russia was mentioned.

Here is part of my blog of October 23rd:

“Today I saw something in a vision, that I had to ask The Collective about which involved Afghanistan.

It involved Russia and China. As we know there are about 40,000 American troops who will at some point be in Afghanistan.

In my vision, I saw tanks and military moving into place, from the borders of Russian and Chinese soil. It looked to me as if these countries were getting ready for a show down.

So I asked “The Collective” about this. Their answer was that there was movement between these nations and it was being done secretly but never the less it was going on. I was also told that there are armaments and weaponry being passed between these countries. There are also other secret things being done currently.

I have also been informed by The Collective that there will be some kind of Nuclear weaponry used against the American Troops in Afghanistan. Whether it is on a small or large scale, The Collective cannot tell at this time.”


This morning there is another sign from the skies as The Collective said would happen. (More signs will continue too.)


Wednesday morning, Dec. 9th, people in arctic Norway were stunned when a gigantic luminous spiral formed in the northern sky. “We are used to seeing lots of auroras here in Norway, but this was different. It consisted initially of a green beam of light similar in color to the aurora with a mysterious rotating spiral at one end. This spiral then got bigger and bigger until it turned into a huge halo in the sky with the green beam extending down to Earth. According to press reports, this could be seen all over northern Norway and must therefore have been very high up in the atmosphere to be seen hundreds of kilometers apart.”

Circular Sign In Sky

It has been reported that this a failed Russian Missile. At this time Russia is not confirming that. Hmm I wonder why?

So what does that mean now that 30,000 American troops will be deployed to Afghanistan?

Is it really just about terrorists? I have asked this question before and now I ask you what do you think?


Let me go back to October 2009, the same month I posted my blog:

A strange halo cloud over Moscow had many in the Russian capital

expecting a close encounter last Wednesday October 14th 2009.

Millions witnessed an ominous ring-shaped cloud appear over Moscow’s western districts, prompting citizens to stop in their tracks to record the phenomenon and put it on YouTube.

The bizarre sight has taken the Internet by storm, so to speak.

However, scientists from the city’s weather forecast service dispelled fears of extra terrestrials landing in Red Square, saying the event was strictly environmental. (It was a Spiritual Warning, The Collective told me signs in the skies would start occurring.)

The halo cloud was not a fake and the Authorities are still at a lost to how or why it was there. Yes plenty of scientists are guessing but we know how wrong they can be (Global Warming).

So why should we believe anything a scientist says now? I will stick with The Collective’s take on this.



Let’s Talk about Web Bot Now:

Do you know what that does? It predicted 911, the stock market crash in 2008, home foreclosures and other things. Humanity is responsible for it’s predictions. As We constantly talk over the internet, text, write and all this is going into the web bot and it analyzes the data. It sends out spiders that harvest information and are gathered into a huge matrix.

web bot

Because of HUMANITIES constant negative energy that we speak, act on and talk about we are actually creating these events and WEB BOT picks this up.

These are some of the predictions from Web Bot from 2008 to 2009:

June of 2001 was One of the first accurate predictions from the Web Bot program . The program predicted that a life-altering event would take place within the next 60-90 days. An occurrence of such proportion that it’s effects would be felt worldwide. The program based its prediction on “web chatter” and regrettably, the prediction proved accurate when the Twin Towers fell on 9/11/2001.

2001 anthrax attack on Washington DC, the East Coast power outage in 2003

December 26 2004 tsunami.

Web bot predicted hurricane Katrina and the devastating events that followed. It also made a series of predictions made back in late 2006 about the coming events of late 2008 through mid 2009.

It predicted the possible housing collapse, wall street collapse, emotional upheavals world wide and consumer confidence collapsing back in November 2008. Web Bot Predicted Catastrophic collapse of the U.S dollar. This would be a direct result of the recent government bailout and failures of several large financial institutions in the U.S. It also predicted a devalued U.S. dollar and the increased cost of living.

Web Bot has foretold of a global devastating event expected to take place in late December 2012. This is a computer spider program that collects information in a big web.


Because Humanity constantly talks about these events, well what else can web bot say?

Stop thinking the negative things and see 2012 as a new way to live. Not an overwhelming catastrophic event that will occur. WE ALL can change the last prediction….

I also want to bring up another thing while I am discussing all of this.

“The Collective” have also told me many things that have also come to pass. I have written blogs and posted information they have shared with me, before the event occurred. My article back in October 2009 and the sign in Norway Dec 9, 2009 prove that.  If they have been right about this, then why would they have any reason to lie about the other things I have tried to warn humanity about?

If a computer program can be that accurate, don’t you think that spiritual beings are also correct? Especially when these beings are giving us information that can improve and help our lives and future.

Something to think about I suppose….

Love and Blessings



Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Future of Food, Survival Seeds

You don’t have to be a genius to know that there is a serious problem in the world right now with our food, water and Obesity.

The food we eat is toxic and has little or no nutritional value. Our water is toxic and has chemicals in it (fluoride) that can cause bone cancers stomach problems, and mess up our teeth.

We buy fast food because it’s cheap and a quick fix but we have a problem with hugely overweight and obese people because of it. Texas it would seem has a HUGE problem with overweight and obese people. I find this really sad. People are killing themselves with fast food.

“Faced with an “obesity epidemic“, that has dramatic consequences for medical costs, pundits have proposed different solutions, ranging from excluding obesity from health insurance, government-run prevention campaigns, higher taxes on junk food, or higher premiums for fat people. When national health care comes into effect obese people may have a very hard time getting help medically.


Here are America’s Top 10 Fattest Cities:
1. Las Vegas, Nevada
2. Arlington, Texas
3. San Antonio, Texas
4. Fort Worth, Texas
5. El Paso, Texas
6. Dallas, Texas
7. Miami, FL
8. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
9. Mesa, Arizona.
10. Houston, Texas

People do not want to take the time to eat properly, cook their food and eat at home.

We take all kinds of nutritional supplements to help our diets but as of the end of December 2009 The Codex Alimentarius will come into effect. World Governments will see to it that more propaganda is spread then, how bad Vitamins are for you , amongst other things. Wait for it folks….


So if there isn’t a problem with our food then why all this preservation?

Obviously the World Governments know more than the average person does. Makes you think…right?

So what do we do?


Scientists are preserving seeds for the future in storage banks as you can see from the picture above.

On this little island in the middle of nowhere Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group. The seed bank is being built inside a mountain on Spitsbergen Island near the small village of Longyearbyen.

So if the rich and powerful are doing this now, shouldn’t you too be thinking about it as well?

Seeds of Destruction is a book that you may find interesting. I never claim to know all the answers but if any of this information help you make a sensible decision that includes purchasing some seeds, then great. Honestly, you need to think about starting your own seed bank.

Good quality Food will soon become hard to find and a necessity to survive. Clean water will also become a dire need too.

Survival Seed Bank is a site online that we recommend to everyone.


These seeds are 3rd Generation Organic.

They have not been tainted with any types of pesticides, fertilizers with chemicals and they are vacuumed packed and placed in a watertight container.

You do not have to believe what I am saying here, but what if I’m right?

Sure you can always prove me wrong, but if nothing else you will have a container of great seeds that will grow into healthy vegetables for you and your family to eat. So it seems to me this is a win, win situation. Most people love planting their vegetables in the spring anyway.

So what is the harm in getting some top quality organic seeds? The worse thing that can happen is that you will save some money when you don’t have to buy vegetables from the grocery store, pick it from YOUR OWN garden instead.


Love and Blessings


We support growing your own 100% organic fruits and vegetables. In fact it may become critical at some point, that all people who wish to survive the coming food shortage and the current corruption of organic foods will need these to survive.
You can’t get these seeds almost anywhere else as they have been chosen for their extraordinary germination rates, nutritional density, and genetically unaltered 3rd generation pure cross pollinated seeds.

Read More…


Monday, December 7, 2009

Climategate--Scientific Scandal of The Century--Data Rape--Garbage In Garbage Out--Climate Model Money Madness

“The president’s decision to attend the international climate conference in Copenhagen needs to be reconsidered in light of the unfolding Climategate scandal. The leaked e-mails involved in Climategate expose the unscientific behavior of leading climate scientists who deliberately destroyed records to block information requests, manipulated data to “hide the decline” in global temperatures, and conspired to silence the critics of man-made global warming. I support Senator James Inhofe’s call for a full investigation into this scandal. Because it involves many of the same personalities and entities behind the Copenhagen conference, Climategate calls into question many of the proposals being pushed there, including anything that would lead to a cap and tax plan.” 

“Policy decisions require real science and real solutions, not junk science and doomsday scare tactics pushed by an environmental priesthood that capitalizes on the public’s worry and makes them feel that owning an SUV is a “sin” against the planet. In his inaugural address, President Obama declared his intention to “restore science to its rightful place.” Boycotting Copenhagen while this scandal is thoroughly investigated would send a strong message that the United States government will not be a party to fraudulent scientific practices. Saying no to Copenhagen and cap and tax are first steps in “restoring science to its rightful place.” 

~Sarah Palin


Lou Dobbs: ‘Who The Hell Does The President Think He Is?’

Sen. Inhofe To Investigate ClimateGate

Climate Gate: FOX News Admits “Man Made” Global Warming is a Scam



ABC News This Week – Copenhagen and Climategate

Global Warming – Vulnerability to the IPCC Message


Richard Lindzen, Ph.D. Lecture Deconstructs Global Warming Hysteria  

Climategate Claims First Victims! Key Global Warming Legislation Voted DOWN in Australia!


Fred Singer on Climategate


ClimateGate debate in BBC


Glenn Beck ClimateGate1 the global warming hoax


Glenn Beck ClimateGate 2 the global warming hoax


Glenn Beck Climategate 3


Glenn Beck Climategate 4



Glenn Beck Climategate 5


Lord Monckton 1 of 5 Global Warming Climategate Fraud, Criminal Investigations

Lord Monckton 2 of 5 Global Warming Climategate Fraud, Criminal Investigations

Lord Monckton 3 of 5 Global Warming Climategate Fraud, Criminal Investigations

Lord Monckton 4 of 5 Global Warming Climategate Fraud, Criminal Investigations

Lord Monckton 5 of 5 Global Warming Climategate Fraud, Criminal Investigations

Climategate’s “Harry Read Me” File is a Must Read!

“…What absolute bunk! From the very beginning of the global warming story we’ve seen example after example which confirms how the UN climate panel process has been corrupted. The hacked emails simply confirm what we have known all along. This isn’t about science, it’s about money and power. 

What we are likely to find is that the mess at CRU-East Anglia is also replicated at the other big Warmer data factories since their conclusions are all very similar. The only way to be sure is to have an open and transparent investigation of ALL the major data centers doing this work in the United States, Great Britain and elsewhere. 

There is absolutely no reason to proceed with any further world plans to address global warming with this kind of doubt, corruption and incompetence on such full display! …” 

LOL Global Warming is a SCAM, Officially… (Climate-Gate)

Jon Stewart Talks Climategate

Background Articles and Videos  Climategate goes uber-viral, Gore flees leaving evil henchmen to defend crumbling citadel


“… Climategate is now huge. Way, way bigger than the Mainstream Media (MSM) is admitting it is – as Richard North demonstrates in this fascinating analysis. Using what he calls a Tiger Woods Index (TWI), he compares the amount of interest being shown by internet users (as shown by the number of general web pages on Google) and compares it with the number of news reports recorded. The ratio indicates what people are really interested in, as opposed to what the MSM thinks they ought to be interested in.

North explains:

Tiger Woods delivered 22,500,000 web and 46,025 news pages, giving ratio of 489. That is the “Tiger Woods Index” (TWI) against which I chose to measure a raft of other issues.

Here are the rankings:

1. Climategate: 28,400,000 – 2,930 = 9693
2. Afghanistan: 143,000,000 – 154,145 = 928
3. Obama: 202,000,000 – 252,583 = 800
4. Tiger Woods: 22,500,000 – 46,025 = 489
5. Gordon Brown: 12,300,000 – 37,021 = 332
6. Climate change: 22,200,000 – 68,419 = 324
7. Sally Bercow: 25,000 – 86 = 290
8. David Cameron: 545,000 – 4837 = 113
9. Meredith Kercher: 261,000 – 3,471 = 75
10. Chilcot Inquiry: 125,000 – 4,350 = 29

Unstoppable Solar Cycles

Professor Fred Singer on Climate Change Pt 1

Professor Fred Singer on Climate Change Pt 2

The Climategate Scandal. (Part 3)

The Climategate Scandal. (Part 4)


Related Posts On Pronk Palisades  Global Warming/Climate Change Climategate–The Political Scam, Investment Fraud, and Science Scandal of The Century Exposed–The Progressive Radical Socialist’s Big Lie And Con That Man Is The Cause Of Global Warming Was In Fact Nothing More Than Politicians, Investment Bankers, and Government Scientists Creating Climate Crisis!– Glenn Beck, John Bolton, and Lord Christopher Monckton On Copenhagen 2009 Treaty, Climate Change and World Government–Videos Lord Christopher Monckton–Climate Change–Treaty–Videos “We Can Reverse Climate Change”–President Barack Obama–Liar or Fool–Or Both–You Be The Judge! John Holdren–Science Czar–Videos John Holdren: Global Warming: What Do We Know and Should Do–Videos The Obama Depression Has Arrived: 15,000,000 to 25,000,000 Unemployed Americans–Stimulus Package and Bailouts A Failure–400,000 Leave Labor Force In July! Facing Fundamental Facts Gore Grilled & Gingrich Gouged–American People Oppose Massive Carbon Cap and Trade Tax Increase–Videos National Center for Policy Analysis–A Global Warming Primer Global Warming is The Greatest Hoax, Scam and Disinformation Campaign in History Global Warming Videos Global Warming Books Global Warming Sites  The Heidelberg Appeal: Beware of False Gods and Prophets


Cap and Trade Climategate–A Political Scam, Investment Fraud, and Science Scandal of The Century Exposed–The Progressive Radical Socialist’s Big Lie And Con That Man Is The Cause Of Global Warming Was In Fact Nothing More Than Politicians, Investment Bankers, and Government Scientists Creating Climate Crisis!– Glenn Beck, John Bolton, and Lord Christopher Monckton On Copenhagen 2009 Treaty, Climate Change and World Government–Videos Lord Christopher Monckton–Climate Change–Treaty–Videos “We Can Reverse Climate Change”–President Barack Obama–Liar or Fool–Or Both–You Be The Judge! Time To Sound The Alarm: Call Your Representative and Senators–Cap and Trade Bill to be Voted in U.S. House on Friday–Kill The Cap and Trade Energy Tax Today! UPDATED Green Government Gestapo Goons: Global Warming Police Force Invades Your Home And Living in Your Home May Be A Crime! White House Memo: Carbon Dioxide Is Not A Pollutant and A Cap And Trade Program (Carbon Dioxide Tax) Serious Economic Impact –The Smoking Gun Video! Save Your Job and Life–Abolish The Environmental Protection Agency! President Obama–Killer of The American Dream and Market Capitalism–Stop The Radical Socialists Before They Kill You! MAJOR REDUCTIONS IN CARBON EMISSIONS ARE NOT WORTH THE MONEY DEBATE–Videos Facing Fundamental Facts Let Them Eat Cake Act: American Elites Killing and Starving The American People Clinton’s Cap and Trade Tax on The American People for Consuming Electricity and Driving Cars, SUVs and Trucks! The Heidelberg Appeal: Beware of False Gods and Prophets Saving The World: The Importance of Getting The Priorities Right  


Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941

On Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese war planes attacked Pearl Harbor, the forward base for the United States in the Pacific, effectively drawing the United States into war with Japan.  This picture, widely publicized in the United States, illustrates the extent of the physical destruction.  The sinking battleship is the USS West Virginia.  The crew of the motorboat in the foreground is attempting to save sailors in the water.  The official battle report, submitted on December 11, 1941, can be a useful source document for classroom use.  The sinking of the USS West Virginia resulted in the death of 106 crewmen.

A surprise Japanese attack on the U.S. Navy’s base at Pearl Harbor and on Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands on December 7, 1941. It destroyed much of the American Pacific Fleet and brought the United States into World War II. The attack followed the decision of the Japanese government that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration would not abandon China and Southeast Asia to the Japanese military nor continue to supply Tokyo with vital materials. Early Sunday morning, December 7, Japanese aircraft launched an assault that destroyed or disabled nineteen ships and 292 planes. American deaths totaled 2, 335 and 1, 178 were wounded. Ultimately, though the attack was a tactical success, the Japanese failed to destroy American repair yards, fuel reserves, and submarines. Source for below photo and clip. Visit for other photos, clips and information.

Attack on pearl harbor

Let us not forget those that were either killed or wounded in this sneak attack on the United States.

Let us not forget that we had a second devastating sneak attack on Sept. 11, 2001, by Islamic terrorists. I fear we will have one more before America wakes up and this will come from the enemy within. Systematic destruction of our military and freedoms by liberals in Congress following Obama’s lead toward a NWO with one world governance. Don’t let history repeat itself.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Dissecting the Reason Healthcare Plan

Commenter Ovi, in response to my inquiry into options other than Universal Healthcare, provided this newly released video from Reason.

I’ll dissect it step by step.

The opening statement itself is misleading because it states that the system of insurance itself is the reason that most people don’t shop for price when it comes to health care, but other insurance industries however are incredibly competitive so the statement doesn’t make much sense. The real issue isn’t an insurance system, because the premiums of insurance are directly related to the cost of what the insurance covers, the real issue is that something like 90% of those insured by private health care get their health care through their employer and because of this have lost the sense of personal cost.

The comparison to the fall of non-advancing or stale services or products  like jeans and foodto health care is a poor comparison. As time goes by the cost of old medical technologies (that haven’t been surpassed by new technologies) has gone down, its the creation of newer and often less helpful medical interventions combined with a philosophy that health care should be distributed without pecuniary thought that have driven up medical costs. If health care was a stale industry or one like the utility industry, for example electricity that only adapts to cheaper alternatives, we wouldn’t have rising health care costs. People aren’t willing to pay whatever it takes to buy an apple or a pair of jeans but they are when it comes to medical procedures so the industry adopts new practices to support this and costs go up.

The statement “in 5/6th of the economy individual choice and competition works” is also misleading because it implies that other than health care the rest of the economy runs free of regulation and restriction which simply isn’t true. The electricity industry, which it uses as an example of a correctly functioning free market immediately before this statement, is often horribly limited in choice and competition and is one of the nations most heavily regulated industries.

The main problem I have with the Lasik example is that Lasik isn’t a life expectancy extending medical procedure (which is largely why it isn’t covered by medical insurance, the same way vision insurance is usually separate) and so it isn’t bound by the perspective problems that infect those that are. It is much easier to measure the convenience of no contacts/no glasses in dollar value than it is years of one’s life. Also medical technologies other than Lasik, including life extending ones, get cheaper and better as underlying technology (like lasers for Lasik) get cheaper and better. The implication in the video is that this isn’t true.

I don’t know enough about the Mass. health care system to make any reasonable comments about it, but this point only argues against the current health care proposals (if they do indeed mirror the Mass. system) and not against other functioning, cheaper, equally or more effective systems of universal healthcare.

Okay, now that we’ve hit the boiler plate intro stuff, it’s time to get into the 3 step plan.

The employer based system is a large concern and a clear problem with our health care system, but for better or worse it’s what we have. It’s often said that politics is the art of the possible, and in this case neither side of the aisle has much interest in removing it due to the pressures of the labor unions and companies that have spent tremendous effort creating and arguing for improved health insurance packages. Also a direct and forced removal of the employer based system would see a large premium increase for those 90% of people who have insurance through this system because their collective bargaining power would be removed (which provides them the cheaper and thus more comprehensive plans) and so there’s no constituent pressure to remove it either.

Who is this practicing physician that talks about going to the doctor to get blood pressure management (which can have drastic effects on life expectancy) advice and for information about resolving ingrown toenails (which can be  incredibly painful and debilitating) as wasted dollars? Certainly this information can be provided in cheaper ways (through things like simple science-based medical information websites for example) but that information is medically relevant and should be provided. It’s also important to be able to go to doctors for this kind of information because self diagnosis can be  a terribly dangerous thing to do. The thing is that a diagnostic doctors visit will inevitably be priced on the value of that doctor’s time and it doesn’t matter if you’re getting your potentially cancerous lump diagnosed or your toenail looked at the price will be the same.

I guess the real point here is whether doctor’s visits for these reasons should be covered by insurance or purely out-of-pocket. I’m not sure about the specific regulations on this so I’ll decline to comment on that aspect but in a purely free market I think it’s pretty speculative to state that there wouldn’t be plans that covered these things (especially if there’s enough constituent demand to get regulations on such coverage passed, which I don’t know if there has been).

The “all you can eat buffet” critique of our current system stands in stark contrast to the earlier comment about Mass. rationing health care. What is it guys, do you want rationing or not? And what exactly is better about the free market insurance companies rationing health care as opposed to the government doing so?

Extending the tax exemption to the individual health insurance market seems like a relatively good idea if we don’t fund it on the deficit. We’ll have to find cuts or other taxes to cover this new tax deduction, it won’t be free. I’m unsure of how extending the tax deduction to the individual market without completely removing the job based market provides individual workers with employer provided insurance more options.

The analogy of buying homeowner’s insurance after the fire to buying health insurance with a preexisting condition is relevant only in the case where someone hasn’t lost their previous insurance for some reason beyond their control. Perhaps the regulations forcing insurance to accept people with preexisting conditions is too broad and should be narrowed to only those who’ve lost their insurance because their previous insurance was forcibly severed either by the insurance company or because that individual lost their employer provided insurance, etc. Also if those who develop a condition while under insurance can’t freely change insurance because no insurer will pick them up now, how will the free market pressures operate? High risk individuals will have to stay with their current plans while low-risk individuals can move to cheaper plans which entirely defeats the point of insurance. Those who get sick will be punished as their premiums will continue to rise as the non-sick move to cheaper plans.

The troubles of mandated coverage is worded well here. We must be careful of what coverage we mandate that insurance companies provide because we can overstep our bounds. However the example of teetotallers paying for alcohol abuse treatment is flawed for a couple of reasons. First is that alcohol abuse is in large part influenced by environmental factors, including genetics and so saying that those who have had the chance to avoid these factors shouldn’t have to pay for the risk is like saying because my family doesn’t have a high risk of cancer I shouldn’t have to pay for a plan with cancer insurance. This builds a system where those who were born with high risks because of their lineage and their location are forced to pay much higher premiums for their coverage. Second is that it  implies that no mandated coverages should exist, in which case we end up with more instances of people who are uncovered for medical risks that didn’t turn their way and need either financial assistance or will simply burden our economy with bankruptcy when those costs are levied directly against them instead of the insurance pool. Does it overstep my feeling of individual liberty? Yeah, it does. But does it provide a better system of managing risk with lower negative effects on the economy? I think it does. At least we can agree that this point is much more complicated and expansive than the video makes it seem.

There are many ups and downs to allowing interstate health care market, and since this post is already way too long I’ll save those for another day. I’d suggest a little research on the topic though since it’s certainly not as simple as they make it out to be.

My understanding of the relevant studies on Health Savings Accounts is that they have little to no effect on health care costs as a whole because the amount that they’d cover represents an insignificant minority (1-2%) of health care costs. Any benefits would require an overhaul of the health care system that included changes to the availability of cost/quality information (of which there is just about none). I’m in favor of this even without HSAs. HSAs seem like a non-solution to rising health care costs.

Overall I didn’t find these offered solutions very compelling, but I agree with the end that either way what we’re doing now is just the start.  This solution overlaps the one provided provided the GOP in late October (I believe) in that both remove the interstate restrictions, both remove the preexisting conditions restrictions, and both would result in expensive high risk pools. The CBO review of the GOP health care proposal was abysmal with it only extending coverage to 7 million more Americans and reducing the deficit 68 billion where the Dem’s bill extends it to 36 million Americans and reduces the deficit by 104 billion. But hey, at least its free market principled!

The video in large didn’t present any new ideas and so I encourage any interested parties to research the points more and attempt to crush my statements. Or to provide arguments for why my points are otherwise invalid or unimportant.

And sorry for how long this is.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eradicating Reason and Man at the American University

In this interesting article, University professor Douglas Campbell provides an eyewitness view of the situation.  He was recently required to take part in a program designed to make him a better teacher.  The program disparaged reason and rationality.  He writes that one of the required texts… 

“tells us ‘to correct our excessive regard for the powers of intellect.’  [The author] goes on to attack all philosophies that insist on the primacy of the rational thought process, and he blames rational thought for totalitarianism, violence, and every social ill imaginable. Palmer tells us that we must put our feelings on at least an equal—preferably dominant—position to logic and rational thought processes. “ 


Campbell gives several examples of experiences he has had with this kind of thinking at his institution.  He concludes that “If Aristotle was right that ‘Man is a rational animal,’ it seems unlikely that these efforts to turn higher education into exercises in ideology can ultimately prevail.” 

I hope he is right and that their attempt to eliminate reason meets with the same success as the State’s attempt to eliminate the imported fire ant.  In any case, in attempting to eradicate reason, they are seeking to kill man himself. 

In any case, this is where I stand: 

A day may come when man fails, and the last man follows the rest of his race out of manishness, and becomes a beast like them.  But this is not that day, and I am not that man. 
