Monday, March 22, 2010

Don't give up

So, the House is almost certain to pass this monstrosity of a health-care bill tonight after making an utter travesty of legislative process and representative democracy.  But, as the great Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over till it’s over.” Power Line lists some reasons for optimism. Here’s one:

The health care bill’s taxes will go into effect promptly, but its substantive provisions are, for the most part, deferred for four years. This means that we have plenty of time to repeal the legislation. Sure, it will take a new Congress and new President. But repealing this disaster of a bill will by a rallying cry for the American people for years to come. Moreover, even if the Republicans only take over the House in November, and not the Senate, won’t it be possible to throw roadblocks in the way of the bill’s implementation? Won’t budget appropriations be necessary to sustain the various federal tentacles the bill seeks to establish? What will happen if the House simply refuses to fund them?

Go read the rest, and take heart. Even now, attorney generals in several states are preparing legal challenges to push back against Leviathan. The odds aren’t good, but one or more may hit a bulls-eye and gut the bill or have it thrown out altogether.

Fight on.


Friday, March 19, 2010


            One thing we can be sure of is that in the system of capitalism everything has a price. Though everybody would probably agree on the need to eradicate poverty, and seeing the effects of poverty should make us act on that poverty, to remove its devastating effect on human life. However this is capitalism so instead of working on the problem we have to run it through the calculator. Which tells us, surprise, surprise, we can’t afford to do it. Health care, hospitals threatened with closure, staff being under paid and facing redundancy, don’t look at the need, reach for the calculator, yeap, that’s right, we can’t afford it.

       There are exceptions of course, war, at the start of the illegal invasion of Iraq, Chancellor Brown stated that it would receive what was needed, and £1 billion was set aside for the war, no such statement or provisions on poverty and health. By the end of 2010 the Afghan and Iraq slaughter will have cost the British tax payer £18 billion and rising. If we take into account for the social cost of looking after the wound etc it will be over £20 billion.. A lot of money to destroy a couple of countries and kill thousands of civilians.

       Our military budget is over a staggering £33 billion annually. A small fraction of this fund for slaughter would solve all the funding problems of the national health service. That won’t happen, this is capitalism and war is good for corporate business and the state will see that its partner in crime, the corporate greed machine, gets all the help it wants. British businesses have already made app. £3 billion from this misery and carnage.

       This country has the resources to see to the needs of everyone living here and sustain them at a decent standard of living but as long as we tolerate the state and the corporate greed machine to run the calculator over everything, they will set the priorities and human care and welfare will be well down the list. The profit motive will decide where the money and resources go, not the needs of the people.

      We have a choice, we can carry on asking them to be kind to us and not be so eager for profit, which is what we do at the moment, or we can take control of society, forget the calculator and see to the needs of our people in a society based on mutual aid and sustainability. Another world is possible, but we can’t leave it to the shareholders, we have to do it. We won’t change the world by going to work and watching the TV and leaving the politics in the marble halls. Politics belong in the community and on the street, we the people should be the politics. What we have at the moment is a power structure to suit the corporate greed machine a society based on the shareholders priorities. A system that by its structure will deliver exploitation, deprivation and wars. Is this the legacy we wish to leave to our grandchildren?



ann arky’s home.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dear America, a suicide note from the Democratic Party

Dear America,

I, the Democratic Party, have thought about this alot in the last 9 months. It has been hard, at first I felt so thrilled by the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. I literally ran into the streets, screaming “They Love us, they really love us!”. To me, the dawn of a new day had come, and I was the head of it. Regrettably, this feeling was short lived.

It all started when the President decided to promote a great and wonderful program that would provide healthcare for all, and at no cost to anyone. I believed what he said, after all he was the chosen one, he who would provide the solution to all the naysayers from the other side, a messiah of the people. I worked hard to make it all work, but then it happened–all these awful people opposed me, not even giving me a chance to make them understand how I could make their dreams come true, even in ways not envisioned by the greats such as Marx, Lenin, or Mao. Why wouldn’t they listen?!

At first it was just anger. I was angry because they wouldn’t listen. But then my anger became deeper, they were getting in the way of “Change”. If nothing else, I would make them listen. I would treat them like a wife who refused to listen to their husband, and perhaps a few good “corrections” would get them to come around.

So I tried to sweep them out of the way. I did everything I could, bludgeoning them about the head and shoulders, calling them names such as “Tea bagger” “racists” and “homophobes”. Nothing worked, and even some of the members of these groups who were Gay, black, asian, or Latino, sort of objected to my characterization. I got even more upset, who were they to talk? They were nothing more than frauds! Everyone knows you can’t have an individual personality under the tutelage of “The one who must be named, and often”!

It went on like this for months, and I kept going from rage to deep depression. It seemed that these people would not give up. They kept talking about this strange belief system called “Liberty” and referring to outdated documents such as the Constitution.

I sit here now at the edge of my seat in the US Congress, and have decided that it will end soon. I will pull the trigger, and make it happen once and for all. I don’t care what happens afterward, because I never had much time for God or such silly concepts. Oh well, here goes….

Bang! (and here is how the story ends, and the American people allowed the Democratic party to commit suicide)

They could have taken a different route, and I wish it was sad to see them go, but at the same time they did it of their own volition.



States Asserting Their Rights, Pushing Feds Back Into Constitutional Box

According to the New York Times, states are increasingly pushing to limit the federal government’s authority over them. The feds have been overstepping constitutional limits imposed in the 10th Amendment and elsewhere for many years, and once in a while we see states attempt to push back on a particular issue. What’s different this time is that many states are now pushing back on many issues. Guns, drugs, control of the National Guard are just some of the stakes that states are beginning to throw their full legislative weight into.

“Whether it’s a correctly called a movement, a backlash or political theater, state declarations of their rights — or in some cases denunciations of federal authority, amounting to the same thing — are on a roll.”

Moreover, the effort seems to be bipartisan, with both red and blue states joining in fray. The ones with teeth are those which are signed into law, rather than simple resolutions which are essentially meaningless. Some of the actions currently under way in the states include:

  • South Dakota: Gov. Rounds (R) signed a bill into law declaring the regulation of firearms made and used in South Dakota to be outside the purview of the Federal Government.
  • Wyoming: On Thursday, Gov. Freudenthal (D) signed a bill into law declaring the regulation of firearms made and used in Wyoming to be outside the purview of the Federal Government.
  • Oklahoma: the House of Representatives passed a resolution declaring that the people of Oklahoma should be able to vote on a state constitutional amendment opting out of any federally mandated health care programs.
  • Utah: the legislature declared that any federally mandated health insurance to be null and void in Utah, without the approval of the legislature.
  • Utah: the legislature declared Utah has the right to claim federal lands in that state under eminent domain.
  • Utah: the legislature resolved the “inviolable sovereignty of the State of Utah under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.”
  • Utah: the legislature declared that federal law enforcement authority can be limited by the state, even on federal land in the state.
  • Utah: (last month) Gov. Herbert (R) signed a bill into law declaring the regulation of firearms made and used in South Dakota to be outside the purview of the Federal Government.
  • Alabama: considering a bill that would assert local police authority to supersede federal law enforcement.
  • Tennessee: considering a bill that would assert local police authority to supersede federal law enforcement.
  • Washington: considering a bill that would assert local police authority to supersede federal law enforcement.
  • Montana: (last year) signed a bill into law declaring the regulation of firearms made and used in Montana to be outside the purview of the Federal Government.
  • Rhode Island: considering a bill that would authorize the governor to take control of its National Guard troops, arguing that the federal government’s deployment orders have exceeded their authority.
  • Vermont: considering a bill that would authorize the governor to take control of its National Guard troops, arguing that the federal government’s deployment orders have exceeded their authority.
  • Wisconsin: considering a bill that would authorize the governor to take control of its National Guard troops, arguing that the federal government’s deployment orders have exceeded their authority.

Some of the issues the states have raised, such as control of federal land would seem to stand little chance in the courts. However, there are several issues that demonstrate legitimate examples of the federal government operating completely outside constitutional limitations. Control of the National Guard (a proxy for the militia), intrastate commerce involving guns, and other issues, I believe, stand a chance of rolling back some of the (il)legal precedents set by FDR’s court.


Monday, March 15, 2010

I Have Arrived

Initially, I could not decide whether to post my response to this enigmatic event on this blog or on our more supportive Ninja Nannies blog.  In the end, I have decided that it would be most polite to place my comments here, since I am really responding to a comment left after my posting, Retire Already!

I suspect I have confused you, and so I am honor-bound to clear that up.  You see, I received my first dissenting comment today.  Hence, I have arrived.  The bad news is I blocked the comment for two reasons.  First, the comment came under the auspices of AARP as an insurance quote.  I will neither  advertise, purchase, nor promote that organization.  And  second, it is not nice to lobby for your huge corporation without giving your name.  So…I do appreciate the disention but ask that you come back when your primary personality shows up.

Now then, the reason I thought this post might be perfectly tailored for Ninja Nannies, is that the affect sounded like a petulant child.  And, even more interesting, is that this person sounded really mad at me.  Any of you who have followed me for any length of time know that this type of response is just hilarious and intriguing.  Therefore, I’m going to present this comment as factually as I am able and then pray to the heavens that Mr. AARP comes back, ‘cuz  I love ya’.

Here goes:  Apparently, it is the fault of the “old conservatives” that there is any debate at all on this whole health care thing.  To be fair, I think this person was defending the very presidency of B.O. (His initials are not my fault) and not just my old timey reasoning about health care and government employees.  It is his supposition that the first round of stimulus money is what resuscitated our current economy and saved us from the precipice of disaster.  And, oh yes, this person thinks I am a real meanie because I do not understand how badly the poor folks need this help with their health care and such.  I think the comment even begs the question; “What are you doing to help all those poor, unemployed, uninsured, and downtrodden fellow citizens?”  I hope I have presented that fairly.’s what I’m doing.  I’m going to work every day, while investing extra time in creative ways to increase my income.  In short, I am taking responsibility for my own existence.  I am contributing to the public good by paying taxes and providing needed service.  I am the OLD CONSERVATIVE that is buying the groceries, paying the rent, and keeping the lights on for those who are reveling in the extension of unemployment benefits.

I do not have  37 million members like AARP, because I am not a huge, engorged, corporate body like the AARP.  And, oh yeah, I do not have the privilege of lobbying the left-wing members of Congress and tossing quid pro quo around the room like the AARP.

But, I do keep my promises, unlike the AARP, who, like many big insurance titans, often denies coverage to little, old ladies like myself.  I care about you, silly boy (or girl-no offense intended).  I just need you to know that I have a family of my own who needs me to take care of them.  I think we can do better in America.  I think we have the wit and the will to solve all of our problems.  I just think we can do it without pulling the plug on my respirator, murdering any more babies, or leaving a gigantic debt to my grandchildren.

You and I agree that health care reform and welfare reform and education reform are desperately necessary.  I thought that up decades ago when you were, most likely, resting comfortably in your mother’s womb.  I’m on board to help.

Incidentally, I am happy to see that you ended your comment with the words, “God Bless America”.  Though, I am not too sure you meant it.  It seemed a tiny, bit sarcastic.  Forgive me if I am wrong about that.  I hope to hear from you again.  Sorry though because I have to go now.  I need to get up for WORK tomorrow, and this Daylight Saving Time is a real pain!


Friday, March 12, 2010

Ohio Rocking for Liberty - OSU Young Americans For Liberty Host "Freedom Watch With Judge Napolitano" and Panel of Distinguished Speakers


Ohio Liberty Council Contact

Joe Bozzi

Direct: (617) 388-5805

OSU Young Americans For Liberty Host “Freedom Watch With Judge Napolitano” and Panel of Distinguished Speakers
COLUMBUS, OH, March 12, 2010.  A near-capacity crowd gathered in historic Newport Music Hall to view a live taping of “Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano” on Monday night. Congressman Ron Paul headlined a slate of panelists on the popular Fox News program, along with Ohio Liberty Council Leaders Chris Littleton, Maurice Thompson, and Jason Rink. The panel, which also featured Ohio State Senator Tim Grendell and Sheriff Richard Mack, covered America’s incremental loss of liberty and state sovereignty. The Ohio State University Young Americans for Liberty hosted the appearance by Texas Congressman Ron Paul (R) and Fox News Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano.

At the conclusion of “Freedom Watch,” Congressman Paul spoke for 45 minutes about his plan for restoring a tradition of liberty to both government and individuals. He also urged the young people in the hall to effect change within the political system. Congressman Ron Paul, who received significant support on the Ohio State campus in the 2008 Presidential primary, was asked what advice he could give to the young people in attendance. Encouraging the audience he said, “The responsibility falls on each and every one of us to be self-educated. If you can find a job, find a job to take care of yourself and your family, but you also have to have a job in this defense of our country and in defense of liberty.”

Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul has served in Congress in the 1970s, then again in the 1980s. His most recent tenure began in 1996. He has enjoyed greater media exposure over the last year and is in demand as a featured speaker around the country. Dr. Paul’s timely message resonates with young Americans, as well as many conservative Republicans.

Judge Andrew Napolitano served on the New Jersey Bench and taught at the Seton Hall School of Law before retiring to pursue his television career, joining Fox News in 1998.  Napolitano addressed a crowd of over 10,000 Ohioans in Columbus on August 1, 2009.  He now hosts “Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano” on’s Strategy Room and often substitutes for Glenn Beck on the Glenn Beck Show.

About the Ohio Liberty Council

The Ohio Liberty Council is a coalition of several non-partisan groups in Ohio including Buckeye Firearms Association, Central Ohio 9/12 Project, Cincinnati 9/12 Project, Cincinnati Tea Party, Young Americans for Liberty-OSU, Dayton Tea Party, and the Ohio Freedom Alliance. The council began in June 2009, and was conceived as a way to connect liberty-minded Ohioans. The group communicates on issues, but more importantly seeks to create concerted action among the groups. By working together, the council intends to achieve real results to protect and promote liberty in Ohio.

About the Young Americans for Liberty
The Young Americans for Liberty is a nonpartisan, issue advocacy group dedicated to training, educating, and mobilizing youth activists on the principal of limited, constitutional government organized on over 150 universities and high schools across the country. More information is available at

Additional Information

The Ohio Liberty Council     

Young Americans for Liberty


A true champion of liberty

I have grown to love the courage of Judge Napolitano and of Rep. Ron Paul.  They are two men who have stood up as champions of liberty and put their dedication to constitutional principles above their own comfort and popularity.

I love the comment that Judge Napolitano makes about the significance of Ron Paul’s dedication to liberty.  He identifies that because Ron Paul has stood for what is right with integrity, the ice has been broken for other liberty lovers, and while true libertarian principles are not yet mainstream, they are being talked about in “mainstream” environments.

This is a lesson we should all take to heart.  Stand up for liberty and true principles in your life.  Do your part, whatever that may be, to defend our constitutional rights and freedoms – whether it is popular or not.  Be an example.  If we do this, others will follow, and the principles understood and embraced by our founding fathers will return to this great country.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Biometric Scans, Are They Reliable?

[A British Informational Article]

A biometric is a digital record of part of your body which might be unique to you. Examples of biometrics are:
• Facial image
• Finger-prints (hand geometry)
• Eye-scans

In Britain, these biometrics remain your personal property, you decide who has access to them. Your ability to control access to them secures your privacy, anonymity, and identity. Your biometrics remain your personal property until you commit a crime. Then they are recorded and are held by the State (e.g. the Police). You lose your right to privacy and anonymity. Your biometrics are now a matter of public record…

Facial images are the most acceptable form of biometric to the public. The [British] government has already announced that these will be stored on a microchip on all biometric passports. The facial biometric has a high risk of being abused by government and police for mass surveillance of the public without consent.

The facial biometric has a high failure rate of 1 in 10 people.

Finger printing/scanning has a low acceptance… because it is the same process that is applied when someone is arrested… The Police… are interested in having this on the Identity Register so that they can routinely compare finger prints from crime scenes to those of the public. In practice, finger printing for biometric testing is actually a scan of all fingers and sometimes the complete hand.

The finger print biometric has a high failure rate of 1 in 100 people.

Eye scanning comes in two forms: iris photography and retina scanning. Iris photography involves… shining an infra-red laser into your eye to record the pattern of the iris. Retina scanning is more penetrative and records the pattern of the inside of the eye (retina). The technique is controversial because it is possible to determine certain medical conditions from eye scans and whether you are a recreational drug user. The health risks associated with eye scanning are unknown. The [British] identity card will include eye scans (of the iris).

Eye scanning is new technology, government tests show the failure rate is 1 in 100 people.

See “IRIS Scanning Failure Rates at London Heathrow and Gatwick” – Biometric Freedom

It is claimed that existing technology for eye scanning will work at high speed up to 2 feet from the subject and will work through glasses and contact lenses. If the scanning distance from the subject can be increased, this provides the possibility to authenticate people using eye-scans without them being aware.

Finger print patterns are not unique to any one individual. The finger print pattern on your… identity card could easily be the same as that of someone else. Finger prints require a lot of expertise when they are first taken and may require several attempts before a good print is recorded. If you have worn finger prints (such as manual workers), have dirty fingers, or move your fingers, the scan will fail…

Eye scanning requires special cameras and good lighting to work properly. Even so, under these perfect conditions they still have a failure rate of 1 in 100 people. Eye scanning… has limitations… -how many times a day would people be prepared to have their eyes scanned just to get money from the bank or use their credit card?

The proposed [British] identity card and biometric passport will have 2 to 3 biometrics. Under proposed EU regulations, the biometric passport will use face and finger print recognition (the two most unreliable) and the identity card will use all three.

The Home Affairs Select Committee has mentioned that all three biometrics must be taken to reduce the error. Experts suggest this increases the failure rate… [and is] impractical since you will need to provide facial, finger (all fingers), and eye scans (both eyes) under perfect conditions, every time you travel or use the card.

Biometrics are not totally secure. Research in Germany*** showed that biometric scanners could be fooled by fairly simple methods:
• Facial Image: to fool facial recognition you need a good image of the face such as a photograph. More sophisticated systems can be beaten with moving images… [say] someone filming you with a camcorder. They then replay this, perhaps on a laptop screen, back to the scanner and the system will grant access.
• Finger Prints: When you provide a finger scan you leave an imprint on the scanner. This print can… be… ‘lifted’ and re-used later. Some finger scanners can be beaten by breathing over the print that you left behind. Scanners that require pressure and temperature can be fooled by dusting the print with powder, laying adhesive tape onto this, and then pressing with your own finger. You leave copies of your fingerprints on hundreds of items each day at home and at work; these can easily be ‘lifted’ using the powder and tape technique.
• Eye Scans: eye scanners are harder to beat but are not fool proof. These can be beaten by using a good quality print of the eye with a hole in the centre where the pupil is. The image is placed in front of the scanner and your eye against the hole (some systems look for a reflection from the pupil).

All biometrics are at risk from thieves/hackers who can record the information when you submit it to the scanner. They then play back the recorded biometric (and PIN) to the scanner or systems verifying the user. As the link between the identity card, scanners, and Identity Register will use the internet, this kind of attack could become very common.

The biometric identification card are being promoted as the ultimate solution in security, yet their total dependency on biometrics makes them extremely vulnerable. The complexity of providing finger/eye scans whenever they are used and confirming this against the Identity Register (NIR) is impractical in daily life. The high degree of error involved in biometric recognition will result in people being denied access to services. The criteria for biometric testing will have to be relaxed to allow for a larger ‘degree of error’ in the biometrics or requiring just one biometric for authentication. At this point the biometric passport and identity card become redundant and they are of no more value than current forms of identification.


See also: What Next, Retinal Scanning?


Monday, March 8, 2010

Congressman Eric Massa Audio - Washington Corruption

This audio (see links below) is Congressman Eric Massa’s weekly radio address. In it he explains the corruption, bribes, and his opinion that the democrats will stop at nothing to “ram through” the health care bill.

Note: Congressman Massa is a Democrat.

If time is limited (whole show is an hour and one half) please listen to the first half hour… if time is very limited… forward to the 9:25 mark and listen through to the 11:25 where Massa discusses the “convenience” of his resignation and the sexual harassment allegations against him. Also 15:30 to 19:30 where he discusses his being “set-up” and “corruption and bribes” in Washington. Also 21:12 to 22:07 where he discusses the ramming through of the health care bill against the “consent of the governed”.

The link below is the audio without a timer:


Or go to the following web page which has the audio with a timer:


Armed Robbery or Government: Which is Better?

Legendary comedian Jack Benny, known to be a skinflint, was met one night by an armed thug.

“Your money or your life,” said the thug.

Benny was silent. The thug said, “Well, what’s it going to be?”

I’m thinking…I’m thinking!” was Benny’s reply.

Taxation is theft, ladies and gentlemen. If there is the slightest hint of compulsion in taxation, it’s theft. Your money is taken from you under the threat of either loss of freedom of loss of life.

Taxation in the USA is a protection racket. If you pay your taxes willingly and meekly, the government is likely to leave you alone for the remainder of that year. But refuse to be taxed and reject government protection and you will meet with a fate worse than meeting with an armed robber.

Paying taxes is akin to meeting an armed robber…but government is at your door, not in some dark alley. They work in similar ways, but I’m here to tell you that, given the choice between an armed robber and government, always choose the armed robber.

To offer proof, let’s look at some ways that an armed robbery is superior to government taxation.

An armed robbery might occur while you are in your car, your home, a city street or country lane. He might brandish some weapon and relieve you of your wallet, purse or other valuables. He might steal your car. He might even shoot you if you resist, even unto your death. But at least your encounter with an armed robber is customarily between individuals of a small number. Then, he usually goes on his way to seek out his next victim, or maybe to spend the spoils of his robbery.

The government does not act in such a manner. Government robs you in a far more despicable and cruel way. If you are an employee, government reaches into the coffers of your employer and collects the money it wants even before you receive it (can you imagine an armed robber showing up at the payroll office of your employer and demanding a portion of your wages?). If you are self employed, government wants their “cut” monthly. If you own property, you’ll either pay your tax or government will confiscate your property and sell it for the tax they think they are due.

The robber understands the crime he commits, its danger and the possible consequences of his own act. He doesn’t assert a position that he has some prior claim to your money, or that he is going to use your money to benefit you. He is simply an armed robber and nothing more. He hasn’t offered a protection plan in exchange for the money he stole from you against your will. Once the robber takes your money, he usually leaves you alone. He does not follow you wherever you go, proclaiming that he is your master because of the protection he provides to you with the money he stole from you. He does not require your obeisance, homage or loyalty into the future…only your money today. He does not consider you to be his slave or servant. He does not force you to do this thing, or prohibit you from doing that. The robber does not usually come back to you over and over for more money. And if you dispute his authority, the robber does not label you a traitor and his enemy. He does not have other of his armed minions arrest you, charge you with felonies, throw you into his jails or kill you if you resist. In addition to robbing you, the robber does not try to convince you of his good intentions, or try to make you into his slave. A robber is too honorable to perpetrate these heinous acts on individuals.

No, the armed robber cannot be compared in any way to the thieves and murderers known as the “government.”

Government robbers and murderers, unlike the armed robber, do not accept responsibility for their acts as individuals. They hide within the anonymity of the government. They choose certain of their minions, like those of the Internal Robbery Service (IRS) to commit the robberies on the government’s behalf. They bestow law enforcement authority and weapons on these toadies and give them their orders.

In essence and in practice they send forth “swarms of officers to harass the people and eat out their substance” (from the Declaration of Independence). They assert that the government needs the people’s money for its endeavors. If an individual resists, telling the government that he never contracted with the government for its protection or its endeavors, they will inform the individual that he will pay and be protected whether he likes it or not. If he further refuses to comply with their demands, the toadie thugs will at least seize enough of the citizen’s property to sell in settlement of the government’s demands. And that’s just this year’s take.

If the citizen still resists and defends his property, and in that effort, kills any minons, the citizen will either be captured or killed himself. If captured, he will be tried and imprisoned or put to death. Should the citizen enlist the efforts of others of like mind to resist the demands of the government, they will all be labeled “tax cheats, kooks, rebels, traitors,” or any other pejorative moniker that government can use to besmirch their names. But government would also enlist greater forces to put down this armed rebellion, even if hundreds of thousands of rebels took up arms against the government. But happily, one day the tax rebellion could reach a critical mass that was greater than the government’s ability to crush.

And all of this action and consequence flows from one person just wanting to be left alone and resisting aggression from others. The citizen commits no force or fraud upon others…he only seeks to live his life as he sees fit.

All government has the potential for tyranny. The way to minimize tyranny is to create governments with very limited powers and strictly police their actions.

That is one of the reasons I’ve written in past articles about creating a new nation in the model of a corporation, and using only sales tax as the sole method of taxation. The corporate model of government creates a legal written contract between the citizens for the operation of their country. And, as sales tax is the least oppressive and most voluntary form of taxation, it is the best solution to raise revenue to pay for the new nation’s functions.

Secession is the Hope For Mankind. Who will be first?

DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.

© Copyright 2010, Russell D. Longcore. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Inside the Shark Cage, Vol. 66

Quite the Price-is-wrong-B—- game for the Sharks as they beat the Montreal Canadiens, 3-2. If you can tell me where that quote is from, you get 200,000 points.

Montreal goalie Carey Price made it his mission to tick off the Sharks and their fans by flaunting every single save he made. It was sickening seeing him do Statue of Liberty after Statue of Liberty. I’m guessing Sharks goalie Evgeni Nabokov took notice because he did a few himself.

Last game against New Jersey, the Sharks could only muster 20 shots, and coach Todd McLellan worked on getting more shots and second chance opportunities in practice. It worked. The Sharks attempted 85 shots on goal — 40 hit the net, 26 were blocked and 19 were missed.

Montreal would score first in the first period and would take the lead again 2-1 in the second period.

In between that, Patrick Marleau scored the Sharks’ eighth shorthanded goal of the year off a beautiful deflection. Plenty of other Sharks chances ensued only to be denied by the post. Dan Boyle found iron on a penalty shot during the second frame as well.

Persistence paid off. Dany Heatley and Manny Malhotra put the Sharks ahead for good in the third period. Heatley was in a bit of a scoring drought, and it was good to see Torrey Mitchell assist on a goal (Malhotra’s).

Hey Brad, come take a whiff of this new scent I'm wearing: "Lousy Canadien" (From

One thing that needs to be mentioned is the absolutely cheap cross check by Maxim Lapierre on Scott Nichol in the third (Nichol never returned). I believe it was Ray Ferraro, the analyst for the game, call it complete garbage. Well put. Nice name by the way.

Unfortunately, no Sharks noticed immediately who did it and nobody ever fully paid Lapierre back. Maybe McLellan made a point to stay disciplined, but come on now. When something like that happens, somebody needs to send a message to that clown Lapierre. Punch him in the face. Lapierre was laughing on the bench! This is where I miss Jody Shelley.

New Paint Job

This is the third different helmet Nabby has had this year. I’m not sure if it’s permanent or not. He’s worn his regular skull/fishhead helmet, a black one and now a Neptune one. Not a big fan of the Neptune one. Something about a topless old man turns me off.

Staying the Same

I should mention the Sharks made no deadline deals, and that they were content with adding Niclas Wallin and trading Shelley. Obviously, they like their talent pool from Worcester, and I can’t say I blame them. During the playoffs, there’s usually one really young guy who breaks out for successful teams. Last year, Bobby Ryan of Anaheim comes to mind. I’m looking for Logan Couture, who’s been killing it in the AHL, to come up playoff time and contribute.

I was kind of hoping the Sharks would add Ray Whitney, former Shark, for scoring depth, but then one of the current players would have had to have gone.

Other Notes

Hit-O-Meter: SJ 33  MTL 20; Nichol and Heatley led with five.

Saturday, the Sharks will battle Columbus — a team that shut them out right before the Olympic break.



Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nowhere Else to Go


    My Lion-Friend Mike sent me one of those-mails that we pass around from person to person.  The Subject of this one is 1938 Austria. Since that is the year I was born, the article got my curiosity. I decided the story is worth spreading around the entire country. Every school from coast to coast must tell the story to our kids over and over until they understand what it is about.  Many times, I spread stuff because I want to believe it is true, and it is not.  Each time someone dupes me, I resolve not to let it happen again.  This is so important that I searched the net and found the author, one Kitty Werthmann. She is an activist living in South Dakota. What is her passion? It is simple. Don’t let our freedoms slip away. Read the account below and let me know what you think. Is it possible that a story such as this one is the reason that educators are eliminating history from school curriculums?

America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don’t Let Freedom Slip Away

By: Kitty Werthmann  

     What I am about to tell you is something you’ve probably never heard or will
ever read in history books.
     I believe that I am an eyewitness to history.  I cannot tell you that Hitler
took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history.  We elected him by
a landslide – 98% of the vote..  I’ve never read that in any American
publications.  Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and
took Austria by force.
     In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression.  Nearly one-third of our workforce
was unemployed.  We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates.
     Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily.  Young people
were going from house to house begging for food.  Not that they didn’t want
to work; there simply weren’t any jobs.  My mother was a Christian woman and
believed in helping people in need.  Every day we cooked a big kettle of
soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people – about 30 daily.
     The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each
other.  Blocks and blocks of cities like Vienna , Linz , and Graz were
destroyed.  The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let
them decide what kind of government they wanted.
     We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany , where Hitler had been in
power since 1933.  We had been told that they didn’t have unemployment or
crime, and they had a high standard of living.  Nothing was ever said about
persecution of any group — Jewish or otherwise.  We were led to believe
that everyone was happy.  We wanted the same way of life in Austria . We
were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and
help for the family.  Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted,
and farmers would get their farms back.  Ninety-eight percent of the
population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler.
     We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had
candlelight parades.  The new government opened up big field kitchens and
everyone was fed.
     After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we
suddenly had law and order.  Three or four weeks later, everyone was
employed.  The government made sure that a lot of work was created through
the Public Work Service.
     Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women.  Before this, it was a
custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home.  An
able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn’t support his
family.  Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could
retain the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage.

Hitler Targets Education – Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children:

     Our education was nationalized.  I attended a very good public school.  The
population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools.
The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to
find the crucifix replaced by Hitler’s picture hanging next to a Nazi flag.
Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn’t
pray or have religion anymore.  Instead, we sang “Deutschland, Deutschland,
Uber Alles,” and had physical education.
     Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance.  Parents were
not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum.  They were told that if
they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first
time.  The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the
third time they would be subject to jail.  The first two hours consisted of
political indoctrination.  The rest of the day we had sports.  As time went
along, we loved it.  Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment
free.  We would go home and gleefully tell our parents about the wonderful
time we had.  
     My mother was very unhappy.  When the next term started, she took me out of
public school and put me in a convent.  I told her she couldn’t do that and
she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful.  There was a
very good curriculum, but hardly any fun – no sports, and no political
indoctrination.  I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it.  Every
once in a while, on holidays, I went home.  I would go back to my old
friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing.  Their loose
lifestyle was very alarming to me.  They lived without religion.  By that
time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler.  It seemed
strange to me that our society changed so suddenly.  As time went along, I
realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn’t exposed to that
kind of humanistic philosophy.

Equal Rights Hits Home:

     In 1939, the war started and a food bank was established.  All food was
rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps.  At the same time, a
full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn’t work, you didn’t
get a ration card, and if you didn’t have a card, you starved to death.
Women who stayed home to raise their families didn’t have any marketable
skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men.
     Soon after this, the draft was implemented.  It was compulsory for young
people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps.  During the
day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their
barracks for military training just like the boys.  They were trained to be
anti-aircraft gunners and participated in the signal corps.  After the labor
corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines.  When I go
back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are
emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors
of combat.  Three months before I turned 18, I was severely injured in an
air raid attack.  I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go
into the labor corps and into military service.   

Hitler Restructured the Family Through Daycare:  

     When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government
immediately established child care centers.  You could take your children
ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a
week, under the total care of the government.  The state raised a whole
generation of children..  There were no motherly women to take care of the
children, just people highly trained in child psychology.  By this time, no
one talked about equal rights.  We knew we had been had.   

Health Care and Small Business Suffer Under Government Controls:

     Before Hitler, we had very good medical care.  Many American doctors trained
at the University of Vienna .  After Hitler, health care was socialized,
free for everyone.  Doctors were salaried by the government.  The problem
was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything.
When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already
waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full.  If you needed
elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn.  There was no
money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine.  Research at
the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and
emigrated to other countries.
     As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80% of our income.  Newlyweds
immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a
household.  We had big programs for families.  All day care and education
were free.  High schools were taken over by the government and college
tuition was subsidized.  Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as
food stamps, clothing, and housing.  
     We had another agency designed to monitor business.  My brother-in-law owned
a restaurant that had square tables.  Government officials told him he had
to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on
the corners.  Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities.
It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar.  He couldn’t meet all
the demands.  Soon, he went out of business.  If the government owned the
large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control.
     We had consumer protection.  We were told how to shop and what to buy.  Free
enterprise was essentially abolished.  We had a planning agency specially
designed for farmers.  The agents would go to the farms, count the
live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.   

“Mercy Killing” Redefined:

     In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps .  The
villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were
closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated.  So people intermarried
and offspring were sometimes retarded.  When I arrived, I was told there
were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good
manual work.  I knew one, named Vincent, very well.  He was a janitor of the
school.  One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting
into a van.  I asked my superior where they were going.  She said to an
institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade, and
to read and write.  The families were required to sign papers with a little
clause that they could not visit for 6 months.  They were told visits would
interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.   
     As time passed, letters started to dribble back saying these people died a
natural, merciful death.  The villagers were not fooled.  We suspected what

was happening.  Those people left in excellent physical health and all died
within 6 months.  We called this euthanasia.   

The Final Steps – Gun Laws:  

     Next came gun registration..  People were getting injured by guns.  Hitler
said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by
matching serial numbers on guns.  Most citizens were law abiding and
dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms.  Not
long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in
their guns.  The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not
to comply voluntarily.   
     No more freedom of speech.  Anyone who said something against the government
was taken away.  We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but
also priests and ministers who spoke up.
     Totalitarianism didn’t come quickly, it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943,
to realize full dictatorship in Austria .  Had it happened overnight, my
countrymen would have fought to the last breath.  Instead, we had creeping
gradualism.  Now, our only weapons were broom handles.  The whole idea
sounds almost unbelievable that the state, little by little eroded our
     After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria .  Women were raped,
preteen to elderly.  The press never wrote about this either.  When the
Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling
whole factories in the process.  They sawed down whole orchards of fruit,
and what they couldn’t destroy, they burned.  We called it The Burned Earth.
Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses.  Women hid in
their cellars for 6 weeks as the troops mobilized.  Those who couldn’t, paid
the price.  There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women
who were massacred by the Russians.  This is an eye witness account.
     “It’s true..those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity.  America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don’t Let Freedom Slip Away”

“After America , There is No Place to Go”
