Why are they so Stupid ?
I am so sick and tired of hearing this nonsense on damn near every radio talk show, every so called “conservative” tv hosts, the conservative print media, etc..
“the congress is acting like fools.. they cant be so dumb.. how can they think this will work.. why dont they realize this will destroy the economy” and all the other comments along the same vein.. all promoting the stupidity and idiocy of the congress, the judiciary and the executive.. imagine that.
If you actually believe they could be that stupid to accidently destroy this country then you really are an idiot. If you believe that this push to redesign the United States of America from the inside out to give absolute and complete control to the totalitarian socialist’s you gave your country to then you arent fit to call yourself an American any longer.. you better fit the soviets description of a “Useful Fool” and you should be ashamed of yourself for being so completely gullible and easier than a $3 hooker on a crack binge.
Come on now and think about it.. look what they, the domestics, have done since taking office. Forcing bills through without allowing them to be seen !! Lying about transparency, as if they really meant it anyway. Look at this health care crap.. they refuse to listen to anyone, they demand polite treatment at town hall meetings and then have union thugs from SEIU show up as instigators in an attempt to create fear and to make it look as if their opponents are the trouble makers.. this while the socialist congresswoman, left with her supporters claiming she felt she was in danger.. happened in Tampa, fl. and video is on youtube. What crap.. and nobody got the slightest bit upset over being manipulated ??? WTF People !!
This isnt just local politics its federal too.. DHS is labeling people who might oppose the domestics takeover as “Right Wing Extremists” in their original report (you can find it by googling this:
CRIM-040300-01-05, CRIM-040400-01-05, TERR-010000-01-05 ) and then revising their commentary and accusations when public outrage rises by adding a lexicon (google this:
TERR-020100-01-05, TERR-020600-01-05, TERR-060100-01-05 ) that adds other groups to the list but leaves law abiding Americans still ID’d as potential domestic terrorists all in support of the real domestic enemy currently controlling this country. This is a setup if there ever was one.. on a scale that makes Bill “Red Chinese” Clinton look like an amateur.
There is one person who gets it on the MSM and thats Glenn Beck. remember this when you watch him.. the harder they attack him, the more often they attack him the more you should listen to him.. he’s telling the truth. Look at how this country has been degraded over the last three generations.. the educational system is a joke. It’s no longer qualified to be called educational. If truth in advertising was a law they have to call the dept of education the “Dept Of Socialist Programming, Indoctrination and Individualist Repression” and you gave them your children !! Wilson was correct when he yelled “YOU LIE” but he failed because he didnt include every leftist traitor in both houses of congress, the judiciary, the executive and a large portion of the bureaucracy they helped create over the last 50 odd years.
This cancer didnt start last year its been a work in progress and the media is a big player.. look at the elites on MSNBC.. they sold their souls and their right to call themselves “media” when they sold out the American public to support a totalitarian candidate knowingly.. they continue on today, in love with their leftist masters like a masochist pleading for a whipping. The media has been playing the subconscious game of programming for many years, marketers taught them how and they turned it against you very effectively. Think not ? Look at todays advertising about “Going Green” thats theirs too.. same tactics, same people, same agenda. Listen to MSNBC, NBC, CNN, CBS.. THEY ARE ALL LYING TOGETHER !
These “people”, the Domestic Enemy your founders warned you about, arent stupid, far from it they are dedicated political and ideological activists driven by an elitist concept that they have the duty and right to “FIX” everything that YOU, the civil property they will own soon, have so completely messed up with your religious values, your independent or conservative ideology and your refusal to see and accept their superiority and they will punish you for your failures.. by taxing you into oblivion, by regulating you into servitude and slavery and by crushing violently any opposition you attempt to make.. if you doubt this be as stupid as they believe you are and wait to see if I’m right ..or stand up now as an American and protest their treason.
Stand Up and Protest or be prepared to spend the rest of your life on your knees before people like your congress person.
One Man awake,
Awakens another.
The second awakens
His next-door brother.
The three awake can rouse a town
By turning
The whole place
Upside down.
The many awake
Can make such a fuss
It finally awakens
The rest of us.
One man up,
With dawn in his eyes,
Surely then,