BBC brings us the heart-warming story of Rukhsana Kauser, a teenage girl living in Kashmir. When militants came to her house to force her into marriage with their leader, and started beating her parents, Rukhsana and her brother basically uttered the local version of “Oh no, you di’nt”. The girl disarmed one of the militants, grabbed his AK-47, and shot the militant commander dead.
Once again we see that a “no” tends to be far more effective against rapists, thieves, and other freelance thugs when it is spoken over the sights of a firearm.
I’ve long held the opinion that if NOW really and truly cared about empowerment, they’d include a .38 with every membership package, along with coupons for gun handling and shooting lessons. You can’t be free and equal unless you have the tools at hand to cancel out any physical force used against you. (That’s why gun control is a fool’s errand, by the way—even if you could magically transport all the world’s guns into the heart of the sun, you’d still have force disparity. A 200-pound man usually doesn’t need a gun to subjugate and dominate a 120-pound woman.)
You want to stop the rapes in Darfur? Send in the Green Berets with planeloads of rifles, and have them teach the women how to use them.
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