Wednesday, September 9, 2009

John Adams Project: Seeking Justice in the Military Commissions Proceedings

From our dear friends from the ACLU

“One of the best pieces of service I ever rendered my country.” — John Adams on his decision to defend British soldiers charged with killing Americans in the Boston Massacre

The ACLU and NACDL have assembled defense teams to be available to assist in the representation of detainees facing prosecution at Guantánamo.

Not so fast: Where is Eric Holder in all of this?How About THAT – Eric Holder’s Law Firm Represents Gitmo Detainees »

The American people elect a President with a total of 42 days experience as a U S Senator from the most politically corrupt state in America whose Governor is ousted from office. The President’s first official act is to close Gitmo and make sure Terrorists civil rights are not violated.

The U.S. Congress rushes to confirm an Attorney General, Eric Holder, whose law firm we later find out represents seventeen Gitmo Terrorists.

Perhaps this quote from Adams will give pause:Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.

John Adams.


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