Replete with reinterpretations of old Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger Wobblies songs and chants of “They took our money–we’re going to take it back,” and “Bring Down The System” and other Communist psychopablum, about 2,500 disaffected, dyspeptic, deluded naifs called for pResident Minderbinder and the assembled members of the G-20 Leadership Summit (who were more than a mile away) to destroy the international banking system, give free homes to people who can’t afford them, and to give people with no skills jobs at the wages of neurosurgeons–before such remunerations are minimized by the free ObamaCare they were also asking for.
But not all the protestors were among this rabble. But first, oh yeah, the rabble:
and, the obligatory blonde kids and old hags who hate the Joooos…
But across town, a few hours earlier, others were protesting…
Ethiopians saying their dictatorial PM should be in jail not at the G-20…
MenschMan from Ft. Lauderdale, whose gripe needs no elaboration…
And Ofelia from Honduras (right), who with her two student companions, railed against Obama, Chavez and Brasil for supporting wannabe El Presidente for life Zelaya instead of freedom.
Now, for the rhetorical question of the day: Of these groups, which one had the money, hmmmmm?
But it’s even better. Before the rabble–who railed all day against the evil capitalist system–marched to another site where Code Pink Icon, moonbat Cindy Sheehan spoke, they passed a bucket asking for cash–because, as the last speaker said, “Revolution takes money.”
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