“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way”. Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, 1859
Wow! You would think Charles Dickens was living today!
A couple of thoughts struck me as I read that famous opening. One, obviously was how, no matter what age we live in, not much changes in outward circumstances. No matter who is in political power, no matter what the economic conditions, no matter whether taxes are high or low, no matter how much we complain, those things will not bring much change in our lives.
Which brings me to the second thought: What does make the difference? Why is it, simultaneously, the “best of times” for some and the “worst of times” for others? Why do some become wise and others remain fools their whole lives? How is it that with people who have relatively the same starting circumstances, some live lives that seem to soar with the belief that they can accomplish whatever they set out to do, yet others never seem to break out of the patterns that keep them barely treading water their whole lives?
And of course there is the matter of Light & Darkness, Heaven & Hell! That is a subject that deserves sole attention, so I will leave it for now.
Unsuccessful people as well as successful people both have 24 hours in a day! As Jim Rohn put it, “wouldn’t it drive you crazy until you realized what the difference was?” If outward circumstances (people, places, things, etc.) are not the deciding factor, then what is? It must then be internal. It has been said that our outward circumstances are a reflection of our inward philosophy or perspective!
Take the young students who daily complains that he or she is no good at math! Guess what? He’s right! It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Do you think Tiger Woods would be the champion he is today if he were constantly telling himself that he was only as good as anyone else, or even worse – that he was just an amateur golfer? Absolutely not! He believes that he is the best golfer in history! He mentally plays each hole of each course he is competing on over and over in his mind before he ever makes the shots!
So, what’s the difference? It starts with your philosophy of life. Jeff Olson in his excellent book, The Slight Edge, has a great formula, “Your philosophy = your attitude= your actions = the results which = your life!” Now just put a “positive” or “negative” in front philosophy, attitude, actions, results, and life. See how it works?
So Cork, are you saying that what and how a person believes determines how his life turns out? YES I am! Because what we believe is reflected in the choices we make and the choices we make shape our lives!
We want to blame the boss, the president, the congress, the neighborhood, the teacher, our parents, society, and on and on. But the bottom line is that the only person we can truly blame is the one we face in the mirror each day!
We choose who we hang out with. We choose what we eat. We choose whether to do our homework or goof off. We choose how we perform on the job. We choose what we read, listen to, or watch! The only thing we don’t have a choice in is what family or country we were born in. But all we have to do is study those who have chosen not to let these things hinder them from accomplishing their dreams and desires to know that they are not roadblocks, only excuses!
One of my all-time favorite verses of scripture is found in Romans 12:2. It tells us that we can be “transformed by the renewing of your minds”! Spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally! This is indeed powerful and wonderful news.
So what is it with you - Best of times or Worst of times? It’s your choice!
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