Our government is in “Bed”…with our enemies. Giving 98 million dollars to Kim Jong-il of North Korea to give up nuclear weapons. (Don’t know about you but I feel this is a real dangerous thing to do …for they will then have the money to continue making nuclear weapons and possibly using them on us one day……..VERY SCAREY!!!).
This buget to fund these Enemy Countries…is in the tune of $206,500,000. While we the taxpayers and Citizens of this Country is being taxed to death and our Country Broke. This could have paid for the Health Care Reform if they really wanted to do something….but they plan is to Bankrupt our Country and Us …..then we will be looking to the Government for our every needs in life. This is a Dictorship….and we are headed there past unless we stand up and fight back now. Not tomorrow….Today!!! Call your Senators and Congressman/woman and give them a piece of you mind on this. I have listed the receipetences of this Money below and I have provided the web-link to the complete article ……Really a “MUST READ AND TAKE ACTION”.
Much of the foreign aid budget is spent on military, disaster and humanitarian assistance. But some of the spending for 2010 will be heading to countries where dictators rule:
- $98 million to persuade Kim Jong-il of North Korea to give up nuclear weapons
- $20 million for political prisoners and political rights in Castro’s Cuba
- $6 million to promote civil society in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela
- $500,000 for border security in Muammar al-Qaddafi’s Libya
- $26 million to help train police in Evo Morales’ Bolivia
- $56 million to support the rule of law and human rights in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, arguably one of the world’s richest nations
Foreign aid checks are rarely ever written directly to a government. Funding is generally provided to companies and non-governmental organizations that operate in other countries, which the U.S. government says helps advance human rights and the rule of law abroad. Some organizations keep close ties to their host government, and others work in spite of them.
The question is, do any of the programs work?
In Colombia, where the U.S. spent $38 million to improve human rights in 2008, State Department auditors concluded five of six program areas failed.
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