This video was created by Demi Moore, the actress, and shown to school children. Many parents were upset by the move to indoctrinate their kids to serve Barack Obama blindly and loyally. It would have been better to teach our kids to think independently, study history and use common sense and logic to draw their conclusions. Their beliefs will be formed throughout their lives when experience is added to the equation.
But there is a move afoot to recruit the younger generations to fall in lockstep with Obama and follow him down the yellow brick road. They’re expecting to see a wizard, but what they will find disappointing in the end, is that he is nothing more than a mere mortal man like the rest of us.
It doesn’t take much to look at everything Obama has written, said and done in his life to figure out that he admires himself too much and is power hungry. The warning signs are visible for those who aren’t wearing celebrity blinders and those who don’t have their heads stuck in the sand. OBAMA IS FOLLOWING THE MODEL OF DICTATORS. Don’t blame the messenger for bringing you the message. Blame Obama. He is responsible for what is being said about him. Just look for the truth and you will find it.
Hopefully, you listened to the pledges in this video carefully and thoughtfully.
Obama said: “Let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, responsiblity…”
Question: From where do we summon the new spirit? Can we summon a new spirit from within ourselves? Either it’s there or it isn’t. If it’s there, it is influencing us already. If not from within, then from without. But from where without? From Obama? From Hollywood? From the government? From where?
Thought: Christianity has offered a new spirit for millennia from God. We are all born with a self-centered spirit. When we ask God to give us a new spirit, He gives us a selfless spirit and a heart to serve Him and those less fortunate. And it doesn’t raise our taxes or rob us of our freedom.
Obama continued: “…where each of us resolves to pitch in, work harder and look after each other.”
Truth: Christianity was already doing this and has been for millennia.
The first celebrity pledge: I pledge to help end hunger in America by supporting Feeding America and local food banks.
Thought: Christian ministries, churches and Christian people have always feed the poor. There are too many to name. Feed the Chidren, Joyce Meyer Ministries, the Salvation Army, The Red Cross, James Robertson Ministries, and every church I’ve ever been associated with, has programs to feed the hungry, clothe and house the poor, drill water wells for clean, safe drinking water, bring medicines and educate. There are Mercy Ships that sail around the world bringing doctors, surgeons and nurses to the poor and afflicted. The government never talks about these people or organizations. They never receive medals from a president for their sacrifices, compassion and hard work to help the needy. Often they are attacked and ridiculed and sued.
Read Isaiah 58:6-7
God speaking: “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?
Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?”
Verse 8 promises that adhering to these principles will result in your good health. What a health care plan that is! And it’s free while helping others. No need for big government here.
God said in Exodus 23:25 “And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and He shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.”
Wow. Just what we need without big government and high taxes while retaining our freedom. Why isn’t everyone for this? It’s much better than Obama’s big ideas. God takes care of us and Christians take care of everyone in need.
Next pledge: I pledge to smile, laugh, love more …
The Bible tells us to love even our enemies, to love one another, to love our mothers, fathers and children and to love God with all our hearts. This is something Christians have been doing for thousands of years, not waiting until a celebrity told us to do it. Where have these Hollywood types been?
As for smiling and laughing more, God promised to give us “joy unspeakable and full of glory” for serving and loving Him. It’s real. I’ve experienced it.
The pledge continues: to volunteer to help children battling illnesses…
Thought: Again, Christianity has been doing that for millennia.
Pledge: to be great mothers and fathers.
Thought: This is too easy. Again, Christianity.
The Bible talks about being our brother’s keeper and calls us to help widows, orphans, the sick , the poor, the captives and the wounded. It even tells us to love our enemies. Hollywood can’t improve on this. Obama didn’t invent the notion of service.
Pledge: to work with UNICEF.
Thought: UNICEF is a United Nations organization. We’ve all heard the stories of corruption, power, manipulation, deception with all things United Nations. AND the UN costs us a fortune that doesn’t go to the needy. Why not work with the Christian organizations where they do it without pay and without power. Less incentive for corruption and more of the resources goes straight to those in need.
Skipping past some of the very general pledges to being a voice for those who have no voice.
Thought: Obama recently said he didn’t want to hear from the ordinary common people who were trying to be heard on the health care issue. His attitude was “just shut up and go along with whatever I want.”
Pledge: to consider myself an American, not an African-American.
Thought: How does that square with Obama’s twenty-plus year membership of the Trinity United Church of Christ whose main thrust was Africa and hate toward America? Most of Obama’s followers call themselves African-Americans. I’ve never heard Obama say they should consider themselves as just an American.
Pledge: to always represent my country with pride, dignity and honesty.
Thought: Obama has never done this! He always bashes our country, talks about what horrible things America is guilty of, apologizes for American behavior on foreign soil every time he travels. Hollywood stars have not shown pride to be American. They’ve sided with brutal dictators like Castro and Chavez.
Hollywood stars have not behaved with dignity. They use the most vulgar language in public and on film. They strip as nearly naked as they legally can, and somtimes completely nude on film. They’ve had sex on the big screen for all to see. They use obscene gesters, drink too much alcohol and use illegal drugs. We’ve all seen them hauled off to jail and seen their mug shots on the evening news. Many of them have slept around, shacked up together, had children out of wedlock and have the audacity to lecture Christians about legislating morality. Now comes the pledge to represent our country with pride and dignity. They are the least dignified in this country. Watch their movies and listen to the lyrics of their songs. I hope they keep this pledge.
Pledge: to go to USASERVICE.ORG and find a service project that I am passionate about.
Thought: This is Obama’s agenda to change the way we commemorate Sept. 11. The Democrats see that day as belonging to Republicans. They want to take it away and use it in their own way and make it their own. Democrats complained that Republicans were politicizing Sept. 11.,. But Obama is politicizing Sept. 11 completely.
President Obama signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act which, for the first time, officially recognizes September 11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. Colin Powell, former Secretary of State, had already formed a service organization and President Bush gave awards to youth who reached certain milestones of service. They never co-opted September 11th to do so. Obama is politicizing this tragic day that we all experienced together. He didn’t ask most of us if we wanted to change the way we remember it to a day of service.
Just for laughs and to show how ridiculous this 4:14 minute Hollywood “I Pledge” video is, notice the pledge at 1:20 minutes: “I pledge allegiance to the FUNK, to the United Funk of Funkadelica.” (or however you spell it.)
Thought: I guess the guy couldn’t bring himself to pledge his allegiance to his country where he’s lived free and reached success.
Pledge at 1:26 minutes: “I pledge to never give anyone the finger when I’m driving again.”
Thought: I don’t want this kind of topic to be shown to children. It should not be part of the discussion in a school. And by the way, Christians never do this anyway. We don’t have to pledge to stop being vulgar and rude.
Then the pledges get politically left-wing: to make sure senior citizens have access to health care (left wing propaganda) so that our next generations’ memories will not be forgotten (what????)
to advance stem cell research (left wing propaganda)
followed by a lot of feel-good general pledges that Christians routinely practice without even having to think about it, like meeting my neighbors, giving them a smile, and asking them how I can be of service to them .
Thought: Christians and most Americans, whether they are Christian or not, have always helped their neighbors when needed. That’s the American way. These Hollywooders are just now deciding to do that? Where have they been all their lives?
Then there’s the really left wing propaganda pledges: I pledge to use less plastic, less bottled water, plant 500 trees, help our planet, be more green, no longer use plastic bags at the grocery store, consume less and cultivate more, yada, yada, yada…
Thought: Here’s an economy killer. Kills the profits of companies that make plastic, bottles, bottled water, plastic bags and anything that is consumed. Super. More Americans lose their jobs as more companies close. That ought to be a big help. They didn’t mention their limos, designer gowns, shoes, bags, jewelry, hair styling, exotic vacations, jetting around the globe, parties, balls, award ceremonies and after-parties, make-up, expensive cosmetic surgeries, cosmetic dental care, nail salons, fancy mansions, second homes, and everything consumed to make films, albums and the accompanying advertising. The best they could do was give up their bottled water and plastic bags at the grocery store.
“so that we are on this planet forever.” Where else would you be? The moon? We can hope.
Pledge of sickness: (at 2:23 minutes) “I pledge to flush only after a deuce, never a single.”
Thought: I don’t want to think about that one. Ewwwwwww! Totally not necessary. America is NOT a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY.
Pledge: to turn the lights off…..yada, yada, yada..
Thought: Our parents taught us that. It’s common sense. Glad to know he’s finally come to use his. Keeps our electricity bill down. Did he leave the water running, too?
Pledge: to sell my obnoxious car and buy a hybrid.
Thought: If that is what you desire, you have the right. If others don’t have that desire or see their vehicles as obnoxious, they shouldn’t be forced to follow you.
Pledge: to drive slower and not use as much gas.
Thought: Tlhat’s your right. Go for it. How about your jet, Mr. & Mrs. Hollywood? How about your jet, Mr. & Mrs. Obama, Mr. & Mrs. Al Gore?
Pledge: to express the importance of art education in our schools.
Thought: as long as you don’t teach them to paint Christ in a jar of urine, or nudity or child porn or porn of any kind, or evil depictions of Pres. Bush, or filthy films or nasty music, etc.
Pledge: to sell a culture of intelligence instead of ignorance.
Thought: This one is great if they will stick to the truth and real history and science, rather than lies, conspiracies, revisionist history, omission of Christianity’s contributions to the founding of America, the importance of Biblical principles in the founding documents and true science over junk science.
Pledge to end slavery: sure, who doesn’t want to end slavery like we did here in America?
Pledge: to defend issues that I care about.
Thought: Does this mean that they will stop attacking others who defend issues that they care about, stop name-calling and denigrating opponents and previous administrations?
Let’s revisit the old history books before the revisionists got hold of them. Our elected officials were elected to serve US, not to rule over us. UNLESS YOU’RE IN THE MILITARY, NEVER PLEDGE TO BE A SERVANT TO OBAMA. HE IS YOUR SERVANT, ALTHOUGH I DOUBT HE HAS ANY INTENTIONS TO CLIMB DOWN OFF HIS THRONE AND DO SO.
Rather than serving Barack Obama, let’s serve God and be blessed in the process. We won’t need government assistance or health insurance. God will bless our food and water. No droughts or famines. No disease.
But the liberals, the left-wing and Hollywood have worked fervantly to defeat Christianity in America. They’ve yelled, screamed and protested all things Christian in America. They’ve said that we can’t legislate morality, yet Obama called a bunch of Jewish Rabbis and told them they must pass his health care because it is immoral not to do so. He’s trying to legislate morality as he sees it. (Although, I personallly believe he has a different agenda more about power-grabbing.)
The very people who wanted to separate church and state, now pledge to uphold Christian values and call them government initiatives. After influencing generations to abandon Christianity and live immoral lives, they now call for everyone to pledge to live by Christian principles abandoned by those who shunned their Source. But in doing so, the government will lock its tenacles around your bodies and you will have lost your freedoms gauranteed by the Constitution.
IN GOD WE TRUST worked very well until Hollywood’s immorality became mainstream. How do you like this brave new world where the youngest children tell you to F###Off? Where your young daughters dress like hookers and the word, “Lady”, no longer has a use in its truest definition:
la⋅dy –noun
1. a woman who is refined, polite, and well-spoken: She may be poor and have little education, but she’s a real lady.
How do you like seeing young men wearing their pants down with their underwear in full view, and young girls with lingerie in full view – or worse, their body parts in full view? How do you like this great media-savvy world where newscasters and commentators use profanity in their broadcasts and the women no longer dress professionally, but wear plunging necklines as if we wouldn’t watch just for the news?
Hollywood has been a large part of the problem and this little “I Pledge” video is not helpful, as they think it is. Hollywood helped elect Obama, the power-grabbing, Constitution-skirting, czar-hiring radical. America’s in real trouble, but the common patriotic citizens will be the solution.
Obama seemed delighted during his campaign when he was called the messiah and the annointed one. He did little to nothing to stop the use of those titles. Now he wants people to pledge to serve him. This video begins and ends with his face – nose in the air in arrogance.
There will be no Hitlers, Castros or Chavez-type rulers in America. There are too many of us who are not going to sit still for that. Parents should really think about taking their children out of public schools and put them in private schools, preferably religious schools. (not hadrassas)
We’d be better off if we keep Obama and Hollywood out of our schools. Remember what Obama said, “We are what we learn.” Well, don’t let Obama and Hollywood decide what your children will learn.
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