Tuesday, September 29, 2009




  1. Whereas, you have destroyed liberty and freedom, and
  2. You have attempted to jam unpalatable legislation down our throats, and
  3. You have embarked on a planned destruction of our Constitution, and
  4. You have vastly increased the debt of our children and grandchildren, and
  5. You have caused massive unemployment, and
  6. You have lied to try to shift blame for the economic downturn, and
  7. You have alienated our allies in the world, and
  8. You have appeased the homicidal killers of the world, and
  9. You have lied about the transparency of your administration, and
  10. You have divided our country as it has not been since the Civil War, and
  11. You have continued the liberal “brainwashing” and dumbing down of students in our educational system, and
  12. You have condoned the influx of illegal aliens for the sake of votes, and
  13. You have allowed the destruction of the Christian religion and the rise of Islam, and
  14. You have squandered taxpayer money on corrupt organizations such as ACORN for your own benefit, and
  15. You have done the bidding of George Soros and others in order to destroy our economic system, and
  16. You have cheered as ACLU destroyed individual freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, and
  17. You have demeaned your fellow citizens for exercising their right to disagree with your socialist policies, and
  18. You have flooded Washington with an assortment of tax cheats, socialists, racists and other fuzzy thinkers, and
  19. Therefore, WE THE PEOPLE will vote you out of office this year and again in November 2010.

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